7-7-1. System
Select System to set system and time settings.
1.Date Display Format: YYYY/MM/DD, MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY,
2.Client Access: Enable/Disable remote access through network client software.
3.NTP: Sets whether to synchronize the time using NTP server or not.
-Primary SNTP Server: Input the NTP primary server address.
-Secondary SNTP Server: Input the NTP secondary server address.
-Time Zone: Select the time zone.
-Connection Mode: Select the connection mode to NTP time server.
Connection Period: Set the connection period.
-TRANSMISSION MODE: Sending an image only of the channel when an alarm event is triggered.
-IP NOTIFICATION: Enable/disable sending
-SMART: Enable/disable sending
-EVENT ALARM: Enable/disable sending
-MAIL PORT: Mail port setting.
-SEURE OPTION: Select a secure mail server connection. (SSL or TLS)
-Mail to: Input the appropriate email address to enable sending
-Mail Server: Input the SMTP server name as well as the user ID and password.
-Mail From (Return Mail Address): Set the source
5.USER NAME: Name the DVR