1. Playing MP3 File
When you insert a MP3 disc, the TV screen displays the operation menu as shown in Figure A. (The displayed contents vary with the disc.)
A: 00:00 00:00 004/369
B: 00:00 00:00 004/369
MP3 CD000
MP3 CD001
MP3 CD002
Press UP/DOWN arrows to select the desired directory. Press SELECT for verification. For example, you select the directory DU000 in Figure A and press SELECT as shown in Figure B. The window returns back to the previous directory when you select [
.. ] in the first line or press LEFT arrow.
Press UP/DOWN arrows in Figure B to select the desired MP3 file. Press SELECT for verification. This player starts playing MP3 songs.
If you want to use the navigation keys on the front panel, press FUNCTION SELECT and the switch icon appears on the screen. This time the front panel STOP/NEXT/PAUSE/PREV buttons correspond to UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT respectively. Press FUNCTION SELECT again and the switch icon goes off and the navigation functions are invalid.
2. Playing JPEG File
When you insert a disc with JPEG files, the TV screen displays the operation menu as shown in the figure. The operating method is the same as operating MP3 files except that the preview image will appear in the preview window when selecting a JPEG file. Press select to display the selected photo.
00:00 00:00
Resolution 640 480
3.Plays a disc with both MP3 and JPEG files
If a disc is composed of both MP3 and JPEG files, you can enjoy both of them simultaneously. First, you can play MP3 songs by following preceding instructions; then, you can enter the directory with JPEG files and view images by following the instructions above.