Recording While You’re Away (VCR Plus+ Recording)
VCR Plus+’ lets you record a program by entering a PlusCode’ number from your TV listing. Because each area has different cable. TV and broadcasting systems, some setup may be required before using VCR Plus+ for the first time.
A.VCR Plus+ Setup for Antenna or Unscrambled Cable Systems (Not Requiring a Cable Box)
A VCR Plusc channel number is assigned for each broadcast or cable channel. These numbers are listed in most publications that list PlusCode numbers.
1.Prepare a worksheet for the VCR Plus+ channels that are different than the channels you receive them cm. Refer to the chart below for standardized VCR Plus+ channel numbers.
2.Press PROGNCR+ on the remote to display the VCR MAIN MENU on the TV screen.
3.Press 5 to display SET UP VCR menu.
4.Press5 to display SET UP VCR PLUS menu.
5.Using your worksheet, press hw numbers to enter each channel number you receive on a different channel than the assigned VCR Plus+ channel number.
If a channel in your area has been assigned more than one VCR Plus+ channel number, enter that same channel number next to each VCR Plus+ channel number.
Press CHANNEL up OI down to move the VCR+ CH numbers up or down on the menu.
Press CLEAR to eras?a number.
6.Press PROGNCR+ when you are finished.
‘VCR Plus+ and PlusCode are trademarks of Gemstar Development Corporation