Option A Hookup.
Usethis hookup for a simple connection which requires fewer accessories.
1.Select a hookup horn pages 2 through 5 and then modify with this connection.
2.Set the CH4 CH3 switch on the playback VCR to either channel 3 OI 4.
You will tune ttle recording “CR to this channel to receivethe signal from the Playback “CR.
4.Plug in power cords of VCRs and TV.
5.Turn to page 8 for “Setting Up the VCR.”
Playback VCR
RF Coaria, 1 - or- | a, |
Cable . | *tiiONideo |
| Csbles |
Use the hookup to the TV | |
as previously | selected on |
pages $4, or 5.
Option B Hookup.
Usethis hookup for slightly improved copy | Playback VCR (only) |
quality and more convenient operation - use |
of TVNCR button not required. |
1.Select a hookup from Pages 2 through 5 and then modify with this connectton.
2.Connect as shown.
This connedian requires additional accessories not provided.
3.Plug in power cords of VCRs and TV.
4.Turn to page 8 for “Setting Up the VCR.”
You WitIselectthe line (audio/video) input on the recording VCR to receive the signal from the playback VCR.
Use the hookup to the N
as previously selected | on |
pages 3,4, or 5. |
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