JVC AV-28E50SK, AV-32E50SK manual Sound Menu, Feature Menu

Page 19

Sound Menu











Setting Treble




























• Press “MENU” button, now you are in MENU. In the


You can adjust the high tone of the sound.

MENU, select SOUND using “ ” or “


” button, then


• Using “

” or “ ” button select Treble.



enter the￿￿￿￿￿sound￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿menu￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿by pressing￿￿￿￿

” or “ ” button.


• Press “ ” button to increase treble level.

















• Press “

” button to decrease treble level.
































To Store the Settings










































In the Sound Menu, all settings are stored automati-






























































Feature Menu


























• Press “MENU” button, now you are in MENU. In the

































MENU, select Feature using “

” or “

” button. Then





























enter the Feature￿

menu by pressing “ ” or “ ” but-
























ton. ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿






















































































Setting Volume


























As you enter the sound menu, Volume will be the first

































selected option.


























• Press “ ” button to increase volume.






















• Press “ ” button to decrease volume.

































Or you can directly change the volume settings using

















“ +” (to increase) or “- ” (to decrease) button.




























Setting Balance



















It allows adjusting the distribution between the left and





































right speakers.



















• Using “

” or “

” button select Balance.


Sleep Timer










• Press “

” button to change balance to the right.












As you enter the Feature menu, Sleep Timer will be

• Press “

” button to change balance to the left.



the first selected option. Use “ ” or “ ” button to

When balance control is in mid position, the cursor is



change the Sleep Timer values between OFF, 10, 20,

displayed with two reciprocal arrows.







30, ......, 110 and 120.






Selecting Sound Mode







If sleep timer is activated, at the end of the selected

• Using “

” or “

” button select Sound Mode.


time, the TV goes automatically to stand-by mode.


You can also set the Sleep Timer by pressing the Yel-

• Press “

” or “ ” button to change Mode.



low button directly.










You can select MONO, STEREO, DUAL-I or DUAL-II


Child Lock










mode, only if the selected channel supports that mode.



























In case of bilingual broadcast (Dual Sound), you can


You can use this feature to prevent children turning the


TV on or changing programs or adjustments etc. with-

select original or dubbed language using mode option.



out remote control.










Setting Bass






























The Child Lock feature can be set by “

” or “ ” but-

You can adjust the low tone of the sound.



ton to either ON or OFF. When OFF is selected, there

• Using “

” or “

” button select Bass.


will be no difference in the operation of your TV. When

• Press “

” button to increase bass level.


ON is selected, the TV can only be controlled by the


remote control handset. In this case, the front panel

















• Press “

” button to decrease bass level.


buttons (except the Power On/Off button) will not work.

















If Child Lock is ON, when one of the front panel buttons

















(except power button) is pressed, “CHILD LOCK” OSD

















is seen on the screen.















































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Image 19
Contents AV-28E50SK AV-32E50SK Contents VCR DVD Remote ControlTV Buttons and Functions Safety Precautions FeaturesRays Cleaning The ScreenTo clean ServicingSwitching the TV ON/OFF Before Switching on your TVPreparation Downloading data to VCR Initial SettingsLink To use T-V Link functionsBasic Operations Operation with Remote ControlOperation with the buttons on the TV Everyday Operation Operating while watching IdtvOperating a JVC Brand VCR or DVD Player Displaying the SubtitlesDTV Menus Timers DTV Timer RecordingDigital Teletext When recording on a T-V Link compatible VCR Configuration Edit PR List Setting the favourite channels InstallationAutomatic Search Common Interface Setting the TVMain Menu Picture Menu Sound Menu Feature MenuInstallation Menu Programme Menu ButtonOther Features Analogue Teletext Peripheral Equipment Connections Link compatible VCR RGB modeEXT2S Mode Connecting HeadphonesHeadphone Video Input Audio Input L, R Rear PanelPeripheral Equipments Antenna ConnectionsTips $96 SpecificationsImportant Instruction Safety PrecautionMains AC Operation 50066123 AV-28E88SK AV-32E88SK Contents VCR DVD Remote ControlTV Buttons and Functions Safety Precautions FeaturesRays Cleaning The ScreenTo clean ServicingSwitching the TV ON/OFF Before Switching on your TVPreparation To use T-V Link functions Initial SettingsDownloading data to VCR Basic Operations Operation with Remote ControlOperation with the buttons on the TV Operating while watching Idtv VCR Operating a JVC Brand VCR or DVD PlayerDVD DTV Menus Timers DTV Timer RecordingText button again, the digital teletext screen is displayed Press the button / buttons so that Inactive appears in the Mode columnConfiguration Edit PR List Setting the favourite channels InstallationAutomatic Search Manual Search Setting the TVFactory Settings Common InterfacePicture Menu Sound Menu Feature MenuInstallation Menu Delete Programme MenuName InsertOther Features Analogue Teletext Peripheral Equipment Connections Link compatible VCR RGB modeEXT2S Mode Connecting HeadphonesHeadphone Video Input Audio Input L, R Rear PanelPeripheral Equipments AntennaConnectionsTips $96 SpecificationsMains AC Operation Important Instruction50062788