JVC AV-28E50SK, AV-32E50SK manual Setting the TV, Common Interface, Main Menu

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Manual Search:

This is for searching for digital channels on a single broadcast frequency. The frequency channel number (21-

68)is entered in the box at the top left of the screen and the received signal level and signal quality can be ob- served on the two bar graphs at the bottom. When OK is pressed, the TV searches that frequency and display a list of the channels found.


The bar graphs of signal quality and signal level give a good indication of whether any channels are likely to be found. If only the signal level graph shows a high value then it is likely that an analogue channel occupies that broadcast frequency. If the signal quality bar is high as well then it is a digital frequency and digital channels will probably be found.

Again, channels which duplicate those already in the channel list are ignored. However, the manual channel search will find all channels on the broadcast frequency.

When either search is finished, press the MENU button to return to normal broadcast viewing, to watch the new digital terrestrial television channels found.

Factory Settings:

To reset the TV, highlight the Factory Settings line in the menu and press OK. A warning screen is displayed

in case of accidental￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿operation￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿.￿￿

Highlight the YES button with the “” or “” button and press OK to erase all the channels and settings. A

message will￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿be displayed￿￿on the screen￿.

Press the OK button to start the automatic search.

When the automatic search has finished, the EDIT PR LIST menu appears.

Common Interface

It is required to subscribe to a pay channel company to view the pay channels of the Digital Terrestrial broad- casting.

Obtain the Conditional Access Module (CAM) and the Viewing card by subscribing to a pay channel company, then insert those to the Television using the following procedure.

1.Switch off the TV and unplug from the mains.

2.Insert the CAM, then Viewing Card to the slot that is located in the terminal cover at the left-hand side of the TV (from front view).

The CAM should be correctly inserted, it is impos- sible to insert fully if reversed. The CAM or the TV ter- minal may be damaged if the CAM is forcefully inserted.

3.Connect the TV to the mains supply, switch on and then wait for few moments until the card is activated.

Some CAMs may require the following set up. Please set the CAM by entering the DTV menu, Common Inter- face then pressing OK button. (CAM set up menu is not displayed when it is not required.)

To see the viewing contract information, press MENU, Select DTV and Press OK, then Select Common Inter- face and press OK.

When no module is inserted, “No CI Module” appears.

Refer to the module instruction manual for details of the settings.

Setting the TV

Menu System

Your TV’s analogue part has been designed with a menu system, to provide an easy manipulation of a multi-func- tion system. The TV is controlled by choosing the com- mands, which are displayed on the screen.


Press the “MENU” button. The MENU will be displayed in the middle on￿￿￿the￿￿￿￿￿￿screen￿￿￿￿￿.

To select a sub-menu use “ ” or “ ” button, and press “ ” or “ ” button or directly press “OK” button.

Use the “MENU” button to go back to the previous programme when the menu does not appear on the screen.

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Contents AV-28E50SK AV-32E50SK Contents VCR DVD Remote ControlTV Buttons and Functions Safety Precautions FeaturesTo clean Cleaning The ScreenServicing RaysPreparation Before Switching on your TVSwitching the TV ON/OFF Link Initial SettingsTo use T-V Link functions Downloading data to VCROperation with the buttons on the TV Operation with Remote ControlBasic Operations Everyday Operation Operating while watching IdtvOperating a JVC Brand VCR or DVD Player Displaying the SubtitlesDigital Teletext Timers DTV Timer RecordingDTV Menus When recording on a T-V Link compatible VCR Configuration Edit PR List Automatic Search InstallationSetting the favourite channels Main Menu Setting the TVCommon Interface Picture Menu Sound Menu Feature MenuInstallation Menu Programme Menu ButtonOther Features Analogue Teletext Peripheral Equipment Connections EXT2S Mode RGB modeConnecting Headphones Link compatible VCRHeadphone Video Input Audio Input L, R Rear PanelPeripheral Equipments Antenna ConnectionsTips $96 SpecificationsMains AC Operation Safety PrecautionImportant Instruction 50066123 AV-28E88SK AV-32E88SK Contents VCR DVD Remote ControlTV Buttons and Functions Safety Precautions FeaturesTo clean Cleaning The ScreenServicing RaysPreparation Before Switching on your TVSwitching the TV ON/OFF Downloading data to VCR Initial SettingsTo use T-V Link functions Operation with the buttons on the TV Operation with Remote ControlBasic Operations Operating while watching Idtv DVD Operating a JVC Brand VCR or DVD PlayerVCR Text button again, the digital teletext screen is displayed Timers DTV Timer RecordingDTV Menus Press the button / buttons so that Inactive appears in the Mode columnConfiguration Edit PR List Automatic Search InstallationSetting the favourite channels Factory Settings Setting the TVCommon Interface Manual SearchPicture Menu Sound Menu Feature MenuInstallation Menu Name Programme MenuInsert DeleteOther Features Analogue Teletext Peripheral Equipment Connections EXT2S Mode RGB modeConnecting Headphones Link compatible VCRHeadphone Video Input Audio Input L, R Rear PanelPeripheral Equipments AntennaConnectionsTips $96 SpecificationsMains AC Operation Important Instruction50062788