JVC AV-28E50SK, AV-32E50SK manual Picture Menu

Page 49

Picture Menu






Center ￿value￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿is indicated￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿with two￿￿￿￿￿￿￿reciprocal arrows.












Press “MENU” button, now you are in main menu. In











the Main menu, select “Picture” using “ ” or “

” but-





















ton, then enter￿￿￿the Picture menu by pressing “ ” / “ ”





















or “OK”￿￿￿button￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿. ￿￿￿￿￿



















































































































































































































































































































Setting Picture Mode




This item is used to change the picture mode. By press-




ing “ ” or “ ” button you may select one of these











Setting Brightness

You can also set the Picture Mode by pressing the Blue

• As you enter the picture menu, Brightness will be the

button directly.
















first selected option.

Setting Colour Temp

• Press “ ” button to brighten the picture.

This item is used for white colour tint adjustment. By

• Press “


” button to darken the picture.

pressing “

” or “

” button you may select one of these



options: COOL, NORMAL, WARM.

Setting VNR (Video Noise Reduction)

Contrast is the difference and distribution of light and

This item is used to reduce the image noise and im-

dark tones in an image.

• Using “


” or “ ” button select Contrast.

prove the picture quality at weak signals.


• Using “

” or “

” button select VNR.

• Press “


” button to increase contrast level.





￿￿￿￿” button to set VNR level to OFF,

• Press “


“ button to decrease contrast level.

• Press “

” or “



Setting Colour

AUTO adjusts the VNR level to OFF, MIN or MAX auto-

• Using “


” or “ ” button select Colour.

matically￿￿￿￿￿￿according￿￿￿￿￿to the intensity￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿of the noise.

• Press “ ” button to increase colour saturation.



















• Press “


” button to decrease colour saturation.
























































Setting Sharpness

• Using “ ” or “ ” button select Sharpness.






• Press “ ” button to sharpen the picture.











• Press “ ” button to soften the picture.











Setting Tilt







This function is used for tilt correction of the picture.

Setting VCR Mode (In AV mode only)

• Using “

” or “

” button select Tilt.

• Using “ ” or “ ” button select VCR Mode.

• Press “

” button to rotate the picture to the right.

• When you watch a picture from your VCR and the

• Press “

” button to rotate the picture to the left.

picture is unstable, you may improve it by changing

the “VCR MODE” setting from “ON” to “OFF”.




Setting Hue (In AV mode only)





(During Playback NTSC system, this will appear in AV

Press BLUE button to reset the picture modes to fac-

mode only when NTSC video source is applied. Other-

tory default settings.

wise, HUE option is invisible in Picture menu.):

To Store the Settings

• Using “

” or “

” button select Hue.






• Press “

” button to increase the green tones.

In the Picture Menu, all settings are stored automati-


• Press “ ” button to increase the red tones.








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Image 49
Contents AV-28E50SK AV-32E50SK Contents VCR DVD Remote ControlTV Buttons and Functions Safety Precautions FeaturesTo clean Cleaning The ScreenServicing RaysSwitching the TV ON/OFF Before Switching on your TVPreparation Link Initial SettingsTo use T-V Link functions Downloading data to VCRBasic Operations Operation with Remote ControlOperation with the buttons on the TV Everyday Operation Operating while watching IdtvOperating a JVC Brand VCR or DVD Player Displaying the SubtitlesDTV Menus Timers DTV Timer RecordingDigital Teletext When recording on a T-V Link compatible VCR Configuration Edit PR List Setting the favourite channels InstallationAutomatic Search Common Interface Setting the TVMain Menu Picture Menu Sound Menu Feature MenuInstallation Menu Programme Menu ButtonOther Features Analogue Teletext Peripheral Equipment Connections EXT2S Mode RGB modeConnecting Headphones Link compatible VCRHeadphone Video Input Audio Input L, R Rear PanelPeripheral Equipments Antenna ConnectionsTips $96 SpecificationsImportant Instruction Safety PrecautionMains AC Operation 50066123 AV-28E88SK AV-32E88SK Contents VCR DVD Remote ControlTV Buttons and Functions Safety Precautions FeaturesTo clean Cleaning The ScreenServicing RaysSwitching the TV ON/OFF Before Switching on your TVPreparation To use T-V Link functions Initial SettingsDownloading data to VCR Basic Operations Operation with Remote ControlOperation with the buttons on the TV Operating while watching Idtv VCR Operating a JVC Brand VCR or DVD PlayerDVD DTV Menus Timers DTV Timer RecordingText button again, the digital teletext screen is displayed Press the button / buttons so that Inactive appears in the Mode columnConfiguration Edit PR List Setting the favourite channels InstallationAutomatic Search Factory Settings Setting the TVCommon Interface Manual SearchPicture Menu Sound Menu Feature MenuInstallation Menu Name Programme MenuInsert DeleteOther Features Analogue Teletext Peripheral Equipment Connections EXT2S Mode RGB modeConnecting Headphones Link compatible VCRHeadphone Video Input Audio Input L, R Rear PanelPeripheral Equipments AntennaConnectionsTips $96 SpecificationsMains AC Operation Important Instruction50062788