JVC AV-28E50SK, AV-32E50SK Initial Settings, To use T-V Link functions, Downloading data to VCR

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Initial Settings

When the TV is first turned on, it goes into the initial settings mode. Follow the instructions on the screen display to make the initial settings.

Note: If the TV does not go into the initial settings mode this is because your TV has already been turned on for the first time. (Perform the factory settings with “INSTALLATION” (see page 15) in the DTV menu and “AUTO STORE” (Analogue) (see page 20) in the PROGRAM menu.)

Because this is the first time that IDTV has been used, there are no channels stored in the memory and below information will￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿be displayed￿￿on the screen￿.

1. Press the OK button to start the automatic search.

The IDTV will automatically tune to the UHF transmis- sion channels 21 to 68 looking for digital terrestrial TV broadcasts and displaying the names of channels found. This process will take about five minutes. To cancel searching, you can press MENU button at any time during the process.

HINT: Depending on the reception conditions in your particular area, you may find that the list of channels found includes one or more repeated names. This is because the receiver may detect and store some channels, including those it cannot receive clearly, from adjacent areas alongside the strong channels from a transmitter nearby. This is not a problem and the weaker channels can be deleted from the receiver later, as described in -

Edit PR List on page 14.

2.When the automatic search has finished, the EDIT PR LIST menu appears.

If you want to, you can now edit the programme num- bers (PR) using the EDIT PR LIST function. For details, see “Edit PR List” on page 14.

If you do not want to edit programme numbers (PR), go to the next step.

3. Press the MENU button.

The EDIT PR LIST menu disappears and the following message appears￿￿￿￿. ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

If you select “Yes”, Analogue terrestrial broadcasting AUTOMATIC PROGRAMMING SYSTEM (A.P.S.) win-

dow is displayed￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿. ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

If you do not want to start A.P.S., you can cancel it by pressing the TV/DTV button on your remote control.

First select your country by pressing “” or “” but- ton. This will affect the sort process in APS.

By pressing the “ ” or “ ” buttons, come to the Lan- guage item and select the language in which the menus of the TV will appear. You can see the available lan-

guages by pressing “” or “” button. As soon as you change the language, the menu items will be displayed in the selected language.

To select “Continue” use “ ” or “” button. By press- ing “” or “” button start the A.P.S.

When you start A.P.S. the following window will ap-

pear on￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿the screen. ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

After APS is finalized, a programme list will appear on the screen. In the programme list you will see the programme numbers and names assigned to the programmes.

If you do not accept the locations and / or the programme names of programmes, you can change them in Pro- gram menu. For details see PROGRAMME menu on page 20.

If you do not have a T-V LINK compatible VCR, press MENU button to exit the menu.

If you have a T-V LINK compatible VCR connected to

the EXT.2 terminal, press “” button to display T-V LINK menu. Then follow the operating procedure “Down- loading data to VCR” in the following T-V LINK section.


When a T-V LINK compatible VCR is connected to the EXT.2 terminal on the TV, it is easier to set up the VCR and to view videos. T-V LINK uses the following fea- tures:

To use T-V LINK functions

A “T-V LINK compatible VCR” means a JVC video cas- sette recorder with the T-V LINK logo, or with one of the following logos. For details see your VCR instruction manual.

“Q-LINK” (A trademark of Panasonic Corporation) “Data Logic” (A trademark of Metz Corporation) “Easy Link” (A trademark of Philips Corporation) “Megalogic” (A trademark of Grundig Corporation) “SMARTLINK” (A trademark of Sony Corporation)

Downloading data to VCR:

The VCR will automatically download the registered data on the TV channels from the TV. This means you do not

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Image 39
Contents AV-28E50SK AV-32E50SK Contents VCR DVD Remote ControlTV Buttons and Functions Safety Precautions FeaturesRays Cleaning The ScreenTo clean ServicingBefore Switching on your TV Switching the TV ON/OFFPreparation Downloading data to VCR Initial SettingsLink To use T-V Link functionsOperation with Remote Control Basic OperationsOperation with the buttons on the TV Everyday Operation Operating while watching IdtvOperating a JVC Brand VCR or DVD Player Displaying the SubtitlesTimers DTV Timer Recording DTV MenusDigital Teletext When recording on a T-V Link compatible VCR Configuration Edit PR List Installation Setting the favourite channelsAutomatic Search Setting the TV Common InterfaceMain Menu Picture Menu Sound Menu Feature MenuInstallation Menu Programme Menu ButtonOther Features Analogue Teletext Peripheral Equipment Connections Link compatible VCR RGB modeEXT2S Mode Connecting HeadphonesHeadphone Video Input Audio Input L, R Rear PanelPeripheral Equipments Antenna ConnectionsTips $96 SpecificationsSafety Precaution Important InstructionMains AC Operation 50066123 AV-28E88SK AV-32E88SK Contents VCR DVD Remote ControlTV Buttons and Functions Safety Precautions FeaturesRays Cleaning The ScreenTo clean ServicingBefore Switching on your TV Switching the TV ON/OFFPreparation Initial Settings To use T-V Link functionsDownloading data to VCR Operation with Remote Control Basic OperationsOperation with the buttons on the TV Operating while watching Idtv Operating a JVC Brand VCR or DVD Player VCRDVD Timers DTV Timer Recording DTV MenusText button again, the digital teletext screen is displayed Press the button / buttons so that Inactive appears in the Mode columnConfiguration Edit PR List Installation Setting the favourite channelsAutomatic Search Manual Search Setting the TVFactory Settings Common InterfacePicture Menu Sound Menu Feature MenuInstallation Menu Delete Programme MenuName InsertOther Features Analogue Teletext Peripheral Equipment Connections Link compatible VCR RGB modeEXT2S Mode Connecting HeadphonesHeadphone Video Input Audio Input L, R Rear PanelPeripheral Equipments AntennaConnectionsTips $96 SpecificationsMains AC Operation Important Instruction50062788