JVC AV-28E50SK, AV-32E50SK manual Basic Operations, Operation with the buttons on the TV

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need to set up the programme channels on your VCR manually.

The “T-V LINK” menu will be displayed when you press the “￿￿￿￿￿” button￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿while PROGRAM￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿menu is displayed.

Press “OK” button to start downloading data to VCR.

“TRANSFER”￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿is displayed￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿in the￿￿￿￿￿menu.￿￿￿

If you do not want to continue press the TV/DTV button to exit the menu.

If “FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE” is displayed, download was not performed correctly. Before trying to download again, check that:

The VCR power is turned on.

The VCR is T-V LINK compatible.

The VCR is connected to the EXT.2.

The scart cable is fully wired.

Direct REC:

You can easily record to VCR the images that you are watching on the TV. For details, read the manual for your VCR. Use your VCR controls. “VCR IS RECORD- ING” is diplayed. You can not carry out Direct REC us- ing your TV’s control.

When the VCR is not ready (For example when there is no tape inserted), “NO RECORDING” is displayed.

When you press the following buttons ( ￿￿,, , AV, MENU, TV/DTV, , BACK, SUBTITLE, GUIDE,

ZOOM, , / , number buttons) during re- cording, a message appears asking if you want to stop recording or not. Press OK button to stop recording or BLUE button to continue recording.

Do not turn the TV off in the following cases:

When recording images from an external device con- nected to TV (For example camcorder).

When recording a TV channel after it has been un- scrambled on a decoder.

When recording a TV channel by using the TV’s out- put because the VCR’s own tuner can not properly receive that channel.

When recording Digital terrestrial broadcasting (DVB-T).

TV autopower on/VCR image view:

When the VCR starts playing, the TV automatically turns on and images from EXT2 appear on the screen.

This function does not happen if your TV’s main power is turned off. Set your TV’s main power to on (StandBy Mode).

Basic Operations

You can operate your TV using both the remote con- trol and onset buttons.

Operation with the buttons on the TV

Volume Setting

Press “ -” button to decrease volume or “ +” button to increase volume, so a volume level scale (slider) will be displayed at the middle of the bottom on the screen.

Programme Selection

Press “P/CH +” button to select the next programme or “P/CH -” button to select the previous programme.

Entering Main Menu

Press “MENU” button to enter Main menu. In the Main menu select sub-menu using “P/CH -” or “P/CH +” but- ton and enter the sub-menu using “ -” or “ +” button. To learn the usage of the menus, refer to the Menu System sections.

Operation with Remote Control

The remote control of your TV is designed to control all the functions of the model you selected. The functions will be described in accordance with the menu system of your TV.

Functions of the menu system are described in follow- ing sections.

Volume Setting

Press “ +” button to increase volume. Press “ -” button to decrease volume. A volume level scale (slider) will be displayed in the middle at the bottom of the screen.

Programme Selection (Previous or next programme)

Press “” button to select the previous programme.

Press “” button to select the next programme.

Programme Selection (direct access):

Press digit buttons on the remote control to select programmes between 0 and 9. TV will switch to the selected programme. To select programmes between 10 - 99, press the digit buttons consecutively which programme you want to select (eg. for programme 27, first press 2 and then 7). When it is late to press sec- ond digit button only the first digit programme will be displayed. The limit of the delay time is 3 seconds.

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Contents AV-28E50SK AV-32E50SK Contents Remote Control VCR DVDTV Buttons and Functions Features Safety PrecautionsCleaning The Screen To cleanServicing RaysSwitching the TV ON/OFF Before Switching on your TVPreparation Initial Settings LinkTo use T-V Link functions Downloading data to VCRBasic Operations Operation with Remote ControlOperation with the buttons on the TV Operating while watching Idtv Everyday OperationDisplaying the Subtitles Operating a JVC Brand VCR or DVD PlayerDTV Menus Timers DTV Timer RecordingDigital Teletext When recording on a T-V Link compatible VCR Configuration Edit PR List Setting the favourite channels InstallationAutomatic Search Common Interface Setting the TVMain Menu Picture Menu Feature Menu Sound MenuInstallation Menu Button Programme MenuOther Features Analogue Teletext Peripheral Equipment Connections RGB mode EXT2S ModeConnecting Headphones Link compatible VCRRear Panel Headphone Video Input Audio Input L, RAntenna Connections Peripheral EquipmentsTips Specifications $96Important Instruction Safety PrecautionMains AC Operation 50066123 AV-28E88SK AV-32E88SK Contents Remote Control VCR DVDTV Buttons and Functions Features Safety PrecautionsCleaning The Screen To cleanServicing RaysSwitching the TV ON/OFF Before Switching on your TVPreparation To use T-V Link functions Initial SettingsDownloading data to VCR Basic Operations Operation with Remote ControlOperation with the buttons on the TV Operating while watching Idtv VCR Operating a JVC Brand VCR or DVD PlayerDVD DTV Menus Timers DTV Timer RecordingText button again, the digital teletext screen is displayed / buttons so that Inactive appears in the Mode column Press the buttonConfiguration Edit PR List Setting the favourite channels InstallationAutomatic Search Setting the TV Factory SettingsCommon Interface Manual SearchPicture Menu Feature Menu Sound MenuInstallation Menu Programme Menu NameInsert DeleteOther Features Analogue Teletext Peripheral Equipment Connections RGB mode EXT2S ModeConnecting Headphones Link compatible VCRRear Panel Headphone Video Input Audio Input L, RAntennaConnections Peripheral EquipmentsTips Specifications $96Important Instruction Mains AC Operation50062788