•Take care that no bright lights (including sunshine) shine directly on the screen, sin- ce this can cause reflections and reduce the apparent brilliance of the picture.
•The best viewing distance is about five times the diagonal dimension of the screen. For a TV set with a 107 cm screen, it is thus about 5.35 m.
•All cables and components connected between the antenna/broadband socket in the wall and the TV set must comply with European Standard EN
•There may be no magnetic fields in the immediate vicinity of the TV set. External loudspeakers should thus be positioned at a suitable distance from the set.
•The antenna connection cable used for the set should have a screening attenuation of at least 75 dB.
•The use of unapproved cables and components will invalidate the type approval of the TV set.
1.4Controls on the plasma monitor
Front view
Rear view
Socket for mains cable
Connector for LVDS cable to tuner box