Index Search — lets you quickly locate the beginning of a specific recording. Also, you can have the VCR play the first 10 seconds of each recording so you can locate the one you want.
Automatic Rewind
Multichannel Television Sound (MTS) (Mod- el 63 only) — decodes stereo broadcasts for listening or recording. This VCR can also re- ceive and record special audio programs (SAP) that accompany some MTS broadcasts.
Front and Rear Audio/Video Input Jacks — let you quickly connect an audio/video device, such as a camcorder, to the VCR without dis- connecting other devices.
Universal Remote Control — lets you control your VCR, as well as TVs and cable boxes pro- duced by other manufacturers.
Memory Sentinel — protects clock settings, tuner programming information, and timer memory settings in case of a power loss. The clock continues to run for 30 minutes, and tun- er programming information and timer memory settings are kept for up to 24 hours.
Automatic/Manual Clock Setting — lets you set the VCR to automatically update its clock using EDS (Extended Data Service) signals sent by some TV stations. You can also manu- ally set the clock.
Note: EDS is provided by some broadcasters and includes various types of information, in- cluding the current time. If no broadcasters in your area transmit EDS signals, you must man- ually set the clock.
Automatic DST (Daylight Saving Time) Ad-
justment — lets you set the VCR to automati- cally adjust the displayed time for Daylight Saving Time.
We recommend you record the VCR’s model and serial numbers here. This information is on the VCR’s back panel.
Model: _______________________________
Serial Number: ________________________