19. Additional Applications
A. Aerial Faults (Toning) (3M™ Dynatel™ Models 2573 and
Transmitter Setup
Step 1. Connect the transmitter (based on type of fault) as described in Connection Diagrams in the following section.
Step 2. Press and hold off
Step 3. Press on:
Step 4. Press on:
Step 5. The Digital Display
Receiver Setup
Step 1. Press On/Off [1] to turn the receiver on. Step 2. Press Menu/OK [5:Toggle to MAIN MENU] Step 3. Press Tone/Ext [SK] to select Tone mode. Step 4. Press Freq [SK Toggle] to select 577Hz.
Step 5. Connect a toning coil to the receiver External Jack [15] ([14] for 2550 locator).
Step 6. Move the toning coil along the cable and find a peak signal then press Gain [3] down to adjust the receiver gain.
Step 7. Press Speaker Volume Control [13] ([12] for 2550 locator) to adjust the speaker volume as needed.
Step 8. Follow the cable with the toning coil.
−− When the receiver detects a short, cross, or ground fault (Connection Diagram Figures #1, #2, or #3), the audio and Signal Strength [9] ([8] for 2550 locator) will stop or drop off sharply.
−− When the receiver detects a split (Connection Diagram Figure #4) the audio and Signal Strength [9] ([8] for 2550 locator) will increase significantly.
−− When verifying a split (Connection Diagram Figure #5) the audio and Signal Strength [9] ([8] for 2550 locator) will decrease after the toning coil has passed the split.
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