This is the EU symbol for equipment that is covered under the Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive per CENELEC Specification 5041. It indicates that certain products should not be discarded in the trash, but rather should be recycled. This applies to all electronic pluggable and battery powered products.
3M and Dynatel are trademarks of 3M Company.
ArcPad is trademark of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ERSI). MINI and Littlefuse are trademarks of Littlefuse, Inc.
Important Notice
All statements, technical information and recommendations related to 3M Products are based on information believed to be reliable, but the accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed. Before using the 3M Product, you must evaluate it and determine if it is suitable for your intended application. Because conditions of Product use are outside of our control and vary widely you assume all risks and liability associated with such use. Any
Limited Product Warranty
3M Locators (except accessories), will conform to 3M's published specifications and will be free from defects in material and manufacture for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of purchase. Dry cell batteries included in any of 3M's products are warranted only to the extent the battery manufacturer determines such batteries are covered by its warranty. Locating accessories are warranted for ninety (90) days after purchase. 3M's obligations and liability under this warranty are limited to repairing, replacing or refund of the purchase price, at 3M's option, any of 3M's products which, after normal and proper usage, are determined by 3M to be defective. This warranty does not extend to any of 3M's products which have been subjected to misuse, neglect, accident or improper applications, nor shall it extend to products which have been repaired or substantially altered outside 3M's manufacturing or repair facility, nor to any associated instruments, equipment or apparatus. Before utilizing any
of 3M's products, BUYER should determine the suitability of the product for BUYER'S intended use. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In no case shall 3M be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages based upon breach of warranty, breach of contract, negligence, strict liability or any other legal theory. This limitation does not apply to claims for personal injury. Special Condition: Shipments into authorized distributor/supplier locations will have an additional ninety (90) day warranty period.
Electrical Markets Division
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Austin, TX |
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