Nomad 2
Nomad 2 Visual Setup Diagram
Wiring Table
Page 17
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Image 17
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Page 18
Nomad 2 Universal Controller User Instructions Manual
Nomad 2 Universal Controller Bill of Materials
Nomad 2 Universal Controller Specifications
First Time Installation
Using the Nomad 2 Universal Controller
Guide for configurations and more detailed instructions
Labeled To Nomad
Find Find Satellite
Dish Services and their Assigned Satellites
Nomad 2 Universal Controller Front Panel Buttons
If the Mount Type is NON-SKEWABLE Executive One LNB
If the Mount Type is a NON-SKEWABLE Freedom using the Nomad
If the Mount Type is Skewable Models MD500 and Mhdtv
Nomad 2 Universal Controller Rear Panel
Wiring to 9 Pin Control Connector
Nomad 2 Visual Setup Diagram
Find and Stow Flashing Invalid Mode
Error Codes are Flashing LED Lights AT 1 Second Intervals
Peak, Find and Stow Flashing Limit Error Elevation
DVB, Peak, Find and Stow Flashing Signal lost no LNB Power
If you are unable to go onto the roof
NON-SKEWABLE Dome or Open Faced mounts
If you are able to go onto the roof
Subject Rain fade on Domed Covered Systems
Rain Fade on Dome Systems
Technical Support Department at
Wiring Table
Show Modes
To Locate Satellite Step
To Program
To Test Dish
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