Pinnacle Design 37T100105 manual Jobs on Server

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Chapter 4: Workflow and File Transfer

The Jobs on Server tab lists all of the jobs from the Transfer Control Server that are in progress or have been completed, and error messages for jobs that have not completed successfully.

Figure 4-7: Jobs on Server


MMG Installation, Setup, and Operations Guide

Image 54
Contents MediaStream Media Gateway Trademarks Official Notices and Warranties Software License AgreementLimitation of Liability Table of Contents Workflow and File Transfer Introduction System OverviewMMG System Requirements ConnectPlus 1000 Gateway ComputerAbout This Guide Introduction MMG Installation, Setup, and Operations Guide System Connections Liquid blue ConnectionsAttach the Software Protection Dongle Liquid Connections to Other System ComponentsLiquid Dongle Parallel Port Placement Liquid Client Computer to LAN/WANConnectPlus 1000 Gateway Connections Liquid blue Workstation’s Gnic PortInstallation and Setup Install Liquid blueBegin the Installation Installation Progress Bar Liquid blue Installation Completed Screen Installing the MMG Client MMG Client Install WelcomeServer Setup Window Configure the FileZilla FTP server connection To change the user and passwordTo change the home directory 12 User Edit DialogFileZilla configuration for a PS100 To configure usersConfigure Speed Limits 15 Shared FoldersConfigure the MMG 17 Configuration ToolClick the Add TCS button Click the Add Host button Installing the MMG Server on the Gateway 21 ActivePerl Setup WindowInstallation and Setup Liquid Blue Setup Setting Up a Timeline in BlueEditing While Transfer 25 Liquid blue Import MediaAudio Settings For Blue 26 Settings Tab28 Stereo Setting 30 shows the output mapping for four pairs of audio Setting up Blue Codecs 31 Select Codec PresetsPreset 1 SD PS 420 Ibbp Setup the Codec Preset 1 in the timelineXSend a sequence with 35 Timeline Properties37 XSend to XSend to MSS dialog Preset 2 SD PS S422 Ibbp and SD PS E422 Ibbp 39 Fuse Sequence ProgressSetup the Codec Preset 2 in the timeline XSend a sequence with Standard 422 s422XSend a sequence with Extended 422 e422 42 MXF Codec Properties Setup the Codec Preset 3 in the timeline XSend a sequence with MXF Standard 422 s422Preset 4 HD 420 Ibbp Setup the Codec Preset 4 in the timeline46 Timeline properties settings for HD XSend a sequence with HD420Preset 5 HD 422 Ibbp 47 Codec Presets for HDSetup the Codec Preset 5 in the timeline XSend a sequence with HD422Page Using the MMG Client Workflow and File TransferMMG Client window is displayed Figure Transferring a File MMG Client Window Overview Files Pending Transfer Pending Transfer TabRenaming Files & Partial Transfers Partial TransferMonitoring Jobs Job Controlled TabJobs on Server Using XReceive XReceive dialog10 Browse for Watch Folder 11 MMG Client Transfer in Progress Using XSend 13 Sequence Name16 Fuse Dialog Extracting Audio 18 Extract AudioWorkflow Scenarios Workflow 1 XReceive From SAN to Blue WorkflowMMG Client Pending Transfer Tab Click on the jobs controlled tab to monitor the transfer Workflow 2 XSend from Blue to SAN SANFuse dialog appears, click OK 11 XSend dialog Workflow 3 XReceive from San to PS100 12 WorkflowWorkflow 4 XSend from PS100 to SAN 13 WorkflowWorkflow 5 MSI to Liquid blue 14 Trimming WindowChoose File Transfer MMG Copy from the menu bar 17 Transfer Status Page Troubleshooting LogsTransfer Log Status Codes Description Basic Troubleshooting EVTR File Fails to Transfer into the SAN ClusterTransfer from Liquid blue to MSS Fails Standard Transfer from MSS to Liquid blue Fails Newcopy or Audio Demux from MSS to Liquid blue Fails