¦¦ Hospitality Logo
The Hospitality Logo function displays the Hotel's picture image when the TV is powered on.
––Hospitality Logo settings are in the Hotel mode menus.
––The Logo Download and Logo Display Menu items are enabled when you turn the Hospitality Logo option on.
––If there is a logo image stored in the memory and Hospitality Logo option is on, the Hospitality logo is displayed when the TV is turned on.
––The Hospitality logo is not displayed when the Hospitality Logo option is off, even if the logo image has been loaded into the TV.
yy Hospitality Logo
––This option lets you choose whether the Hospitality Logo image is displayed or not.
––Initial value is OFF.
––Can be set to OFF or ON.
––When set to ON, the Logo Download and Logo Time Display menu items become accessible.
yy Logo Download
––This option lets you download the logo image to the TV’s memory from a USB device.
––Wait appears while the image is being copied to the TV.
––Completed appears when the copy operation has finished successfully.
––Failed appears when the copy operation was unsuccessful.
––No USB appears if no USB device is connected.
––No File appears if there is no file to copy on the USB device or the file is in the wrong format (must be a BMP file). If No File appears and you have a logo file on the USB device, check the file format.
yy Logo File Format
––The TV supports only the BMP and AVI format.
––The file name must be samsung.bmp or samsung.avi.
––The maximum resolution of the BMP format is 960 x 540.
––The maximum file size of AVI format is 30MB.
––The TV does not change the size or scale of the image.
English 23