JVC KW-AVX838, KW-AVX830 manual Upolorneni

Page 84

Infonnace pro uiivatele k Iikvidaci stareho zaRzeni a baterii

-[Pauze pro Evropskou unii]

lyto symboly znamenajf, if produkt a baterie s timto symbolem nesmi byt po skaneenf iivotnosti likvidovfmy jako beinyodpad.

Pfejete-Ii sl zlikvidovat tento produkt abaterii, proved~e to prosim vsouladu spfislusnymi narodnfmi zakony nebo jinymi predpisy platnymi ve vas! zemi aabeL

iSpravnou Iikvidad lohota produktu pomuiete zachovat pffrodni zdroje a napomahiHe prevenci potencialnich negativnfch dopadu na iivotni prostfedi alidske zdravi.



Znacka Pb pod symbolem pro baterie znameml, ie tato baterie obsahuje clova.



• lnacku alogo Bluetooth avlastni spolecnost Bluetooth SIG, Inc.


Jakekoli pouiivani t&hto znacek spolecnostl Vietor Company of

tento pflstroj je vsouladu splatnymi evropskymi smernicemi a

Japan, limited (JVC) podleha podmfnkam licence. Ostatnf ochranne normami ohledne elektromagneticke kompatibility abezpecnosti

znamkya obchodni nazvy naleiejf pfislusnym vlastnikum.



• Tento adapter byl navrien vylucne pro pouiiti sprijimacem JVC do

Evropsky zastupce spolecnosti Vietor Company ofJapan, limited je:

vozidla. Nepouifvejte tento adapters jinym piijimacem do vozidla.

JVCTechnical Services Europe GmbH

Podrobnosti najdete rovnei vprfrucce dodane sVasim pfijfmacem.

Postfach 10 05 04







61145 Fri,dberg






Felhaszmiloi informacio az elhasznalt berendezesek es akkumul<itorok elhelyezeserol


((sak Europai Unio]




Ezek aszimb61umok aztjelzik, hogy az ilyen jelzesseJ ellatott termeket es akkumulatort hasznos elettartama


vegen nem szabad haztartasi szemetkent kezelni.


Ajelen termek es akkumulator hulladekkent kezelesekor jarjunk el az idevag6 orszagos rendelkezesek vagy az

adottorszagban, iIIetvehelyhatosagikorzetbenervenyesegyebel6frasokszerint.


Atermek megfelel6 artalmatlanftasaval seqlt megorizni atermeszetes erOforrasokat, es megel6zheti a







Azalabbi Pb szimbolum - ha az akkumulatoron megtalalhat6 - aztjelzi, hogy az akkumulator almot tartalmaz.




ABluetooth sz6 aBluetooth SlG, Inc. sajat tulajdonu jelzese


es log6ja, es aVidor Company of Japan, limited (JVO licenc

Ez atermek megfelel az Europai Unio elektromagneses




biztonsagrol sz616 iranyelveinek es szabvanyainak.

Ez az adapter kizarolag aJVC autoradi6khoz hasznalhat6. Ne

AVictor Company of Japan, Limited europai kepviseloje:


JVC Technical Services Europe GmbH

Areszleteket lasd avev6hoz mellekelt utmutatokban.

Posrtach 100504



61145 Fri,dberg




/')t-----'~':!:~~~~"'!''''!''''!''''!''''!''''!'~-.·T~e~KC~To~o~a~To~p~ri~oe~n·bH~a~M~aIIIIlpKaranorontn~ Bluetooth E







onacHimo Bluetooth SIG, Inc. B'"0P_CTaHH.4_X MapoK


[TinbK. An. topone.'bKoroCoI03Y]


KOMn,,;,1O Victor Company ofJapan, limited (JVC)




3Ai~CHIOETbCA 3a niueH3iEIO.IHWi TopriBenbHi MapKI-1 ra




roproBi Ha3B~ Hane~arb Bi,QnoBi,QHI-1M BnaCHI-1KaM.



)laH~~ aAanrep p03p06neHI-1~BI1KnlO4HO A1lA BlrtKOpl1craHHA

WaHOBHtl~ nOKynellb!


3 aBTOM06inbHI-1MI-1 npl-111Ma4aMlrt KOMnaHfI JVc. 3a6opOHeHo

npl1naA Bi,QnOBiAaE 4I1HHl-tM EBpOnel1CbKtlM



BlrtKOPlrtCTOBYBaTI-1 AaHI-1~a,Qamep 36YAb-AKI-1MI-1 iHW~M~




,Ql-1peKH1BaM Ta aaHAapTaM llIOAO eneKTpOMarHiTHo'i


aBTOMo6inbH~Mt1 nplo1l1Ma4aMtl.

cyMicHoai Ta eneKTptl4HO',6e3neKtl.



)lnR 6inbW AeranbHoro 03Ha~OMneHHA AI-1BiTbCA iHUpyKlIilO,

npeACTaoH.',oMnaH,iVi'torCompany ofJapan, limited:



1110 BXOAI1Tb AO KOMnneKTy nocra4aHHA npl-tI1Ma4a.

JVC Technical Services Europe GmbH




Postf"h 10OS 04



61145 Friedberg









Informatii pentru utilizatori cu privire la evacuarea ca deseu aechipamentelor si bateriilor






[Doar in Uniunea Europeanii]




Aceste simboluri indica faptul ca produsul ~i bateriile cu acest simbol nu trebuie sa fie evacuate la fer ca de~eurile





Daca dori!) sa evacua!i ca de~eu acest produs ~i bateria, va rugam sa face!i acest lucru in conformitate cu legislatia


in vigoare sau cu alea prevederi din tara sau municipalitatea dumneavoastra.


Prin evacuarea coreda aacestui produs, yeti avuta la conservarea resurselor naturale~i yeti contribui la prevenirea


posibilelor efeete negative asupra mediului ~i sanatatii umane.







Cuvimtul ~i siglele Bluetooth suntde!inute de Bluetooth SIG,


Inc. ~i sunt utilizate de Vidor Company of Japan, limited (JVC)

Acest aparat respecta diredivele ~i standardele europene privind

sub Hcen!a. Celelalte marci comerciale ~i nume comerdale

compatibilitatea eleetromagnetica ~i siguranta produselor electronice.

apartin posesoriloracestora.

Reprezentantul european al Vietor Company of Japan, Limited este:



Acestadaptorafostrealizatpentruutilizareaexclusivacu JVC Technical Services Europe GmbH

aparateleautoJVe. Nufolositiacestadaptorcualteaparate Postfach 10 05 04


61145 Fri,dberg






~1, .Bluetooth 51G, Inc..u.,..:.J .u"""

~IJu...c, Bluetooth 4!.< ...."" •

Victor Company of Japan, .i.S~ .oi...b

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.",...;;..1 0J~ ~ ~i ~ J,.-oJ'1~ f~ 'l! JVC

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:Victor Company ofJapan, limited ~t~.J..>1 ~~L..;

JVC Technical Services Europe GmbH

Postfach 100504



~)t~~~~""'''''IIIIIIIIII~·'·T~a~nd~a~ka~ta~d~an~I~09~O~BI~ue~to~o~th~d~im~i1i~ki~ol~'h~B~lu~'t~o~ot~h5~IG,. -

Inc. dan segala penggunaan tanda



tersebut oleh Vietor Company ofJapan, limited (jVC) adalah berdasarkan lisensi. Merek

[Hanya Uni EropaJ

dagang dan nama dagang lainnya adalah hak pemilik masing-masing.

Adaptor ini memiliki desain eksklusif untuk digunakan dengan car rffeiver lalat penerima di


mobil] JVe. Jangan gunakan adaptor ini dengan unit penerima mobil yang lain.


Untuk rindan selengkapnya, baca petunjuk yang dibekalkan dengan alat penerima.





MHtbopMaUMJ13a nOrpe6HTenMTe Ha AenOHHDaHH crapo 060pYllBaHe H6arepHH

[(aMo]a EBponeMCKltft Cb103]

Te31-1 (IlMBOnl-1 yKa3BaT, lie npoAYKTbT H6arepl-1ATa cT03t1 CI-1MBOn He rpA6Ba Aa ce AenOHl-1paT KaTO 61-1rOBI-1 OmaAbl..ltl BKpaA Ha eKcnnoaTal..lMOHHI-1A I-1M CpOK.

AKO lKenaeTe Aa AenOHl-1paTe T031l npoAyKT 11 6aTepl-1ATa, MonA, HanpaBere ro BcboTSeTCTBl-1e cnpl-1ROlKl-1MOTO Hal..ll-10HallHO 3aKOHoAaTenCTBo 101111-1 APyrl-1 npaSHna BbB BawaTa CTpaHa 1-1 061l.lI-1Ha.

Ype3 np3SI-1nHOTO ,l\enOHtlpaHe Ha T031-1 npO,l\yKT 1l.le nOMorHeTe 3a 3ana3BaHeTO Ha npl-1p0,l\HI-1Te pecypctll-1 npellOTBpaTABaHero Ha noreHlIllallHllre OTp\.1l..laTenH\.1 nocne,l\Ml..l10133 OKonH3Ta cpeAa 1-1 40seWKOTO 3ApaBe.



3HaKbr Pb nOli CHMBona 3a 6aTepl1H yKa3Ba, lie Ta3H 6aTep\.1A cbllbplKa 0110BO.

MapKaTa 14 norOTO Ha Bluetooth (a co60BeHoCT Ha Bluetooth SIG, Inc., tl BCRKO lunO/BsaHe Ha Te3H MapKIl OT apaHa Ha Victor Company of Japan, Limited (JVC) ClaBa no mH~eH3. OCTaHamne TbprOB(KIo1 MapK141-1 TbprOBCKI4 Ha3BaH14A ca Ha cbOTBeTHI-1TeCl-1npl-1TelKarellll.

T03H allanrep enpellHa3HalieH 3a 1l3KJ1IOI.IIlTeIlHa ynoTpe6a c aBTOM05l1nHIl npl1eMH~'l..l1l Ha JVe.

Jla He ce 1l3n0Jl3Ba aAanrepbT cAPyr aSTOM061lneH npl-1eMHI-1K.

YBalKaeMM r-He/r-IKO,

T0311 anapaT eBCbQTBeTClBHe cBanl.1,l\HIHe esponeClcKI1 AllpeKTI1SI-1 tl CTaH,l\apTI4 no OTHOWeHl4e Ha eneKrpOMarHl.1THara CbBMeCTI-1MOCl Il eneKTpH4ecKa6e30nacHoCT.

EBponeClcKH npe,l\ClaSHTen Ha Vidor Company of Japan, Limited e: JVCTechnical Services Europe GmbH

Postfach 100504

61145 Fri,dberg repMaHI-1A

Image 84
Contents For canceling the display demonstration, see Model No Serial NoOnly for KW-AVX830/KW-ADV793 Sólo para KW-AVX830/KW-ADV793 Information For U.S.A To prevent accidents and damageHow to reset your unit ContentsDisplay Setup screen Finish the procedureAdjust the hour 1, then the minute Select OffBasic operations Detaching ~ While the unit is turned onAttaching Attaching plateBasic operations on the monitor panel Open/Tilt screenAV Menu EqualizerSound ModeProx TouchOff When the source is Tuner When the source is AV-INor EXT-INPlayback control on the touch panel ∞ / 4 / ¢Selecting the playback source KW-AVX838/KW-AVX830KW-ADV793/KW-AVX738Disc USBPreset list operations When an FM stereo broadcast is hard to ReceiveListening to the radio BandWhen the FM reception is interfered Storing-station Sequential Memory for FM onlyAuto WideDisc/USB operations Playing a discProhibiting disc ejection ~To eject a disc Open the monitor panelPlayable disc type Disc type Recording format, file type, etcDVD CD/VCDDo not start the car engine if a USB device is connected For more details about USB operationsUSB cable from the rear of the unit Disc/file playback operations Operation buttons on the screen EnterMenu ReturnSelect the playback mode Connecting iPod/iPhone Setting the iPod control modeSetting for watching video Listening to the iPod/iPhone devicePlayback mode Selects a track/video.*3Track information bars To select the playback mode To cancel, select Off To select the speed of audio booksOne AllGCI Global Control Information update For Sirius Radio For XM RadioCheck your Sirius ID ~ Select SAT as the sourceTuning in to a channel you want Preset number*1 Channel number Only for SiriusSelects a preset channel Press Selecting a channel on the listWhat is HD Radio Technology? Searching for HD Radio stations onlySearch for a station-Auto Search Refer to page 11 for basic radio operationsChanging HD Radio reception mode Tuning to analog audio onlyTuning to digital audio only Audio automaticallyUsing other external components ManualFull regardless of the Aspect setting Displaying navigation screenTo view the navigation screen To change the aspect ratio To adjust the picture To display the pictureKW-AVX838 KW-AVX830 You cannot select USB/iPod for the main sourceUsing a rear view camera Select a sound modeStoring your own adjustments Sound equalizationAV Setup/Sound/Equalizer menu items Menu item Selectable setting/itemSelectable setting/itemInitial Underlined Menu itemDisplay Disc Subtitle *4Hours, 24 Hours Off Off, AutoNer AV Input External InputBeep Off Muting1Volume Adjust Select when the subwoofer is connectedLow Pass Filter 55Hz, 85Hz, 120HzInformation for using Bluetooth devices Bluetooth profileIcons for phone types Connecting Bluetooth devices Close the monitor panelChange the PIN code PIN code initialMake sure to disconnect the device when it is connected To disconnectConfirmation screen appears. Press Yes Using the Bluetooth audio player Start playbackPauses Selects the group.*5When Auto Answer is activated Receiving a callEnding the call Making a call Display Dial MenuSelect a preset number Display SettingsCopying the phone book Operate the target mobile phoneSelecting which phone book/ call lists to use To copy the phone book manuallyNew Pairing MIC SettingDial Menu *1 LastBluetooth operations for KW-ADV793 Registration Pairing methodsKW-ADV793 You can enter any number you like 1-digit to 16-digit number If you skip changing PIN code, press EnterUnit displays the list of the preset devices Select a device you want to connectUse Open or Search to connect To connectBe registered Except and VOL +Displays Dial Menu screen To read the message, press Yes To read the message later, press NoTo call a preset number Select the phone number you want toSelect a telephone number to store ~ Select BT Audio as the source Start playback Can be registeredTo connect a new device Tag data*1 *2 current track title/artist name/album titleBluetooth device settings Installing the batteries Before using the remote controllerSource Operations Button Using the number buttons Disc@/# buttons ENT enter buttonUsing the disc menu Searching for an item directlyWMA/WAV/VCD/CD VCDUsing the on-screen bar Using the list screenSelecting a folder or track on the control screen Selecting playback modesMaintenance Recommended cleaning methodDo not use the following discs More about this unit GeneralPlaying MPEG1/MPEG2 files Playing Jpeg filesUpper and lower cases Numbers and symbols Playing MP3/WMA/WAV filesSatellite radio operations Only for HD Radio reception Only for KW- AVX830/KW-ADV793Through the analog terminals Speaker out/REAR OUT/FRONT OUT IPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc Only for KW-AVX838/KW-AVX830/KW-ADV793Only for KW-AVX830/KW-ADV793 Troubleshooting SymptomEral General Disc in generalMPEG1/MPEG2/MP3/WMA/WAV USB Symptom Remedy/Cause IPod/iPhone Satellite radio Only for KW-AVX830/KW-ADV793AV-IN KW-ADV793Bluetooth for KW-AVX838/KW-AVX830 Bluetooth for KW-ADV793 Power Output ≤ 1% THD+NDVD/CD Required space for installation and the monitor ejection Operating VoltageSleeve Unit mm inchCountries where you may use the Bluetooth function Bluetooth 기능을 사용할 수 있는 국가Hrvatska Magyarország Ireland Éire Slovenija SlovenskoIii Country Call Installation IN-DASH Mounting AdvertenciasElectrical Connections Conexiones Electricas Fije el panel del monitorJVC Troubleshooting Localización DE AveriasLye E0984 Italiano Upolorneni Before installation, remove the screw Control panel to the main unit 3el= PO BOX BEDFORD, TX Product Registration Gaiantii Pour tout produit utilise a des fins To OUR Valued Customer JVC