JVC KW-AVX838, KW-AVX830 manual E0984

Page 82

Dedaration ofConformity with regard to the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC

( E0984




Hereby, JVC, declares that this KS-UBTl is in compliance with the

essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive

I 99915/EL Deutsch:

Hiermit erklart JVC, dass sich das Gerat KS-UBTl in Obereinstimmung mit den gTundlegenden Anforderungen und den Ubrigen einschlagigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie


Hiermit erkliirtJVC die

Obereinstimmung des Gerates KS-UBTl mit den grundlegenden Anforderungenunddenanderen

relevanten Festlegungen der Richtlinie 1999/S/EG befindet. (Wien)


Par la presente JVC declare que l'appareH KS-UBTl est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes


JVC vakuuttaa lalen etta KS-UBTl tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sita koskevien direktiivin muidenehtojenmukainen.


Harmed inlygar JV( att denna KS-UBTl st~r Ioverensstammelse meddevasentligaegenskapskravochovrigarelevanta bestammelser som framg~r av direkliv 1999/5/EG.


Her mea Iysir JVC yfir ~vi ao KS-UBTl er i samril'mivio grunnkrOfur og aorar krtifur, sem gerOar eru itilskipun 1999/5/EC.


JVC erkl~rer herved at utstyret KS-UBTl er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og 0vrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.


JVC timto prohlasuje, ie tento KS-UBTl je ve shode se zakladnimi poiadavkya dalSimi prislusnymi ustanovenimi smernice 1999/5/ES.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass Bdigital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are deSigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. ThiS equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more ofthe follOWing measures:

-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

~Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

-Connect the equipment into an outlet on acircuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.

-Consult the dealeroran experienced radiofTV technician for help.


Changes or modifications not approved by JV( could void the user'sauthority to operate the equipment.

Information for Users on Disposal of Old Equipment and Batteries - [European Union only]

These symbols indicate that the product and the battery with this symbol should not be disposed as general household waste at its end·of·life.

de I, directive I99915/CE.


.Hierbij vel1<l"n NC d'i hell"stel KS-UBTI in

overeenstemming is met de essentiele eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG.


Undenegnede NC erkl..rer herved, ,t (,Igende udstyr KS-UBTI

overholder de vil'sentligekrav og 0vrige relevante krav i direktiv

I99915/EF Espanol:

PormediodelapresenteJV(deciaraqueel KS·UBTlcumplecontos requisitosesencialesycualesquieraotrasdisposicionesaplicabies 0 exigiblesdel,Diredi"I99915/CE




(on la presenle JV( dichiara che questo KS-UBTl econforme ai requisitiessenzialiedaUealtredisposizionipertinentistabilite d,lI, diretti,,199915/CE.


H,wnhekk, Ne. jiddikjar, Ii d,n KS-UBTI jikkonform, m,l- llligijiet essenzjali uma provvedimenti ollrajn relevanti Ii hemm


Kaesolevaga kinnitab JVC seadme KS-UBTl vastavust direktiivi 19991S/EO pohinouetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teisteleasjakohastelesatetele.


Ar so NC deklare, k, K5-UBTi 'tbilst Direktivas I99915/EK

butiskajam prasibam un citiem ar to saistitajiem noteikumiem.


Siuo JV( deklaruoja, kad sis KS·UBTlatitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas.


Alulirott, NC nyil'tkOlom, hogy, KS-UBTI megfelel, von'tkOl6

alapvet6 kovetelmenyeknek es az 1999/5/EC iranyelv egyeb eloirasainak.


Niniejszym JVC oswiadcza, ie KS-UBTl jest zgodny zzasadniaymi wymogami oraz pozostatymi stosownymi postanowieniami

Dyrektywy I99915/EL


JVC izjavlja, da je ta KS-UBTl vskladu zbistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi dolocili direktive 1999/5/ES.


NC timto vyhlasuje, ie K5-UBTi spina ,okl,dne poii,d,vky,

vsetky prislusne ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES.

Ifyou wish to dispose of this product and the battery, please do so in accordance with applicable national

Products leijislation or other rules in your country and municipality.

By disposing ofthis prodUct correctly, you will help to conserve natural resources and will help prevent potential negative effects on the environment and human health.


Battery The sign Pb below the symbol for batteries indicates that this battery contains lead.

• The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG,

Dear Customer,

Inc. and any use of such marks by Victor Company of Japan, Limited

This apparatus is in conformance with the valid European

(JVC) is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of

directives and standards regarding electromagnetic

their respective owners.

compatibility and electrical safety.

• This adapter has been designed exclusively for use with JVC'scar

European representative of Victor Company of Japan, Limited

receivers. Do not use this adapter with any other car receiver.


For details, see also the Instructions supplied with your receiver.

JVC Technical Services Europe GmbH


Postfach 10 05 04


61145 Friedberg








This device complies with Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the


Power Class:


follOWing two conditions: (l) This device may not cause harmful interference,

and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference


Service Area:

10 m(10.9 yd)




Prin aceasta, JVC, declara ca acest KS-UBTl este in conformitate cu

JV( dedara que este KS-UBTl esta conforme com os requisitos

prevederile generale ~i cu alte norme ale Directivei 1999/5/EC.

essenciais eoutras disposi~oes da Directiva 1999/5/CE.



CHaCTORLl.IOToJVC ,lIeKnap~pa, l.le M3,l1enMeTO KS-UBTl CbOTBeTCTBa


Ha OCHOBHlone ~3~CKBaH~R, KaKTO ~ Ha ,lIpyr~ np~noi\'(J.1Mt1 KIlay3t1


HaA'p""., 199915/EL

that may cause undesired operation.


USB St,ndards:

USB VI.l (Full Speed)




Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturerfor

Power Consumption:

54.3 mA/5 V(max.)

Dimensions (L x Wx H):


compliance could void the user'sauthority to operate the equipment.








15/8" x J/4" x 114")





Este equipo se ha sometido alodo tipo de pruebas ycumple con las normas establecidas para dispositivos de (lase B, de conformidad con la Parte 15 de las reglas de la FCC (Comisi6n Federal de Comunicaciones). Estas reglas estan disenadas para asegurar una proteccion razonable contra esle tipo de interferencias en las instalaciones residenciales. Este equipo genera yutiliza energia de radiofrecuencia. Si no se instala yutiliza debidamente, es decir, conforme alas instrucciones, podrian producirse interferencias en radiocomunicaciones. Sin embargo, no se garantiza que estas interferencias no se produzcan en una instalaci6n determinada. Si este equipo ocasiona interferencias en la recepci6n de radio 0 televisi6n, 10 cual puede comprobarse mediante la conexi6n 0 desconexi6n del equipo, el problema podra corregirse mediante una 0 una combinacion de las siguientes medidas:

-Reoriente la antena·receptora0 cambiela de lugar.

-Aumente la separaci6n entre el equipo yel aparato receptor.

~Enchufe el equipo auna toma de corriente situada en un circuito distinto del aparato receptor. -Consulteasudislribuidoroauntecnicoexpertoenradio/television.


Los cambios 0 modificaciones no aprobados por JV( pueden anular la autoridad del usuario para operar el equipo.


Informacion para los usuarios sobre la eliminacion de equipos y baterias/pilas usados


[5010 Union Europeal


Estos simbolos indican que el producto yla bateria que llevan este simbolo no deben desecharse junto con la




Si desea desechar este producto yla bateria, hagalo de conformidad con la legislaci6n nacional vigente uotras



Si desecha el producto correctamente, estara contribuyendo aconservar los recursos naturales yaprevenir los

posibles efectos negativos en el medio ambiente yen la salud de las personas.




La indicaci6n Pb debajo del simbolo de bateria/pila indica que esta contiene plomo.

La marca Bluetooth ysus logotipos son propiedad de Bluetooth SIG,


Inc., ycualquier uso de los mismos porVictor Company of Japan,

Este aparato cumple con las normatlvas ynormas europeas

Limited (JVC) se realiza bajo licencia. Otras marcas ynombres





EI representanteeuropeo de Victor Company of Japan,

los receptores para automovil de JVe. No utilice este adaptador con



JVC Technical Services Europe GmbH

Para oblenermasdetalles,consultetambien lasinstrucciones

Postfach 100504


61145 Friedberg




Tout changement ou modification non approuve par JV( peut annuler I'autoritede I'utilisateurd'utiliserI'apparei!.

Informations relatives a"elimination des apDareils et des piles usages, aI'intention des - utilisateurs

[Union europeenne seulement)

Ces symboles signifient que Ie produit et les piles ne doivent pas etre elimines en tant que dechet menager ala fin de son cycle de vie.

Produits Si vous souhaitez eliminer ce produit et les piles, faites-Ie conformement ala legislation nationale ou autres regles :a en vigueur dans votre pays et votre municipalite.

En eliminant correctement ce produit, vous contribuez ala conservation des ressources naturelles et ala prevention des eventuels effets n~atifs sur l'environnementet la sante humaine.

Pile Notification:

La marque Pb en dessous du symbole des piles indique que cette pile contient du plomb.

La marque du mot et les logos Bluetooth sont la propriete de

Cher(el c1ient(e),

Bluetooth SIG, Inc. et toute utilisation de ces marques par Victor

Cet appareil est conforme aux directives et normes

Company of Japan, Limited (JVC) est faite sous licence. Les autres

europeennes en vigueur concernant la compatibilite

marques et noms de commerce sont la propriete de leur proprietaire

electromagnetique et ala securite electrique.


Representanteuropeen de la societe Victor (ompany of

• Cet adaptateur aete con~u specialement pour etre utilise avec un

Japan, Limited:

autoradio JVC N'utilisezpas cet adaptateur avec un autre autoradio.

JV( Technical Services Europe GmbH

Pour plus de details, referez-vous aux instructions fournies avec votre

Postfach 100504


61145 Friedberg




Benutzerinformationen lur Entsorgung alter Gerate und Batterien


INur Europaisme Union]



Diese Symbole zeigen an, dass das damit gekennzeichnete Produkt bzw. die Batterie nicht als normaler


Haushaltsabfall entsorgt werden sollen.



Wenn Sie dieses Produkt und die Batterie entsorgen mochten, halten Sie sich dabei bitte an die entsprechenden


Landesgesetze und andere Regelungen in Ihrem Land bzw.lhrer Gemeinde.


Die korrekte Entsorgung dieses Produkts dient dem Umweltschutz und verhindert mogliche Schaden fUr die Umwelt

- und die menschliche Gesundheit.






Das Zeichen Pb unterhalb des Batteriesymbols gibt an, dass diese Batterie Blei enthalt.

Die Wortmarke Bluetooth und die Logos sind Eigentum der Bluetooth

Sehrgeehrter Kunde, sehrgeehrte Kundin,

SIG, Inc., und jegliche Verwendung solcher Marken durch die Victor

dieses Gerat stimmt mit den gUltigen europaischen

Company of Japan, Limited (JVC) geschieht unter Lizenz. Andere

Richtlinien und Normen bezuglich elektromagnetischer

Warenzeichen und Handelsnamen sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen


Besitzer und werden von unsanerkannt.

Die europaische Vertretung fUr die Victor Company of Japan,

• Dieser Adapter wurde ausschlieBlich zur Verwendung mit Auto-


Receivern von JVC entworfen. Verwenden Sie diesen Adapter nicht

JVC Technical Services Europe GmbH

mit einem anderen Auto-Receiver.

Postfach 100504

Einzelheiten siehe mit Ihrem Receiver mitgelieferte

61145 Friedberg



Image 82
Contents Model No Serial No For canceling the display demonstration, seeOnly for KW-AVX830/KW-ADV793 Sólo para KW-AVX830/KW-ADV793 Information For U.S.A To prevent accidents and damageHow to reset your unit ContentsAdjust the hour 1, then the minute Display Setup screenFinish the procedure Select OffAttaching Basic operationsDetaching ~ While the unit is turned on Attaching plateBasic operations on the monitor panel Open/Tilt screenSound AV MenuEqualizer ModeTouch ProxOff Playback control on the touch panel When the source is TunerWhen the source is AV-INor EXT-IN ∞ / 4 / ¢Disc Selecting the playback sourceKW-AVX838/KW-AVX830KW-ADV793/KW-AVX738 USBListening to the radio Preset list operationsWhen an FM stereo broadcast is hard to Receive BandAuto When the FM reception is interferedStoring-station Sequential Memory for FM only WideProhibiting disc ejection Disc/USB operationsPlaying a disc ~To eject a disc Open the monitor panelDVD Playable disc typeDisc type Recording format, file type, etc CD/VCDFor more details about USB operations Do not start the car engine if a USB device is connectedUSB cable from the rear of the unit Disc/file playback operations Menu Operation buttons on the screenEnter ReturnSelect the playback mode Setting for watching video Connecting iPod/iPhoneSetting the iPod control mode Listening to the iPod/iPhone deviceSelects a track/video.*3 Playback modeTrack information bars One To select the playback modeTo cancel, select Off To select the speed of audio books AllCheck your Sirius ID GCI Global Control Information updateFor Sirius Radio For XM Radio ~ Select SAT as the sourceSelects a preset channel Press Tuning in to a channel you wantPreset number*1 Channel number Only for Sirius Selecting a channel on the listSearch for a station-Auto Search What is HD Radio Technology?Searching for HD Radio stations only Refer to page 11 for basic radio operationsTuning to digital audio only Changing HD Radio reception modeTuning to analog audio only Audio automaticallyUsing other external components ManualDisplaying navigation screen Full regardless of the Aspect settingTo view the navigation screen KW-AVX838 KW-AVX830 To change the aspect ratio To adjust the pictureTo display the picture You cannot select USB/iPod for the main sourceStoring your own adjustments Using a rear view cameraSelect a sound mode Sound equalizationAV Setup/Sound/Equalizer menu items Menu item Selectable setting/itemMenu item Selectable setting/itemInitial UnderlinedDisplay Hours, 24 Hours Off DiscSubtitle *4 Off, AutoNer Beep Off AV InputExternal Input Muting1Low Pass Filter Volume AdjustSelect when the subwoofer is connected 55Hz, 85Hz, 120HzBluetooth profile Information for using Bluetooth devicesIcons for phone types Change the PIN code Connecting Bluetooth devicesClose the monitor panel PIN code initialTo disconnect Make sure to disconnect the device when it is connectedConfirmation screen appears. Press Yes Pauses Using the Bluetooth audio playerStart playback Selects the group.*5Receiving a call When Auto Answer is activatedEnding the call Making a call Display Dial MenuCopying the phone book Select a preset numberDisplay Settings Operate the target mobile phoneSelecting which phone book/ call lists to use To copy the phone book manuallyDial Menu *1 New PairingMIC Setting LastRegistration Pairing methods Bluetooth operations for KW-ADV793KW-ADV793 You can enter any number you like 1-digit to 16-digit number If you skip changing PIN code, press EnterUse Open or Search to connect Unit displays the list of the preset devicesSelect a device you want to connect To connectExcept and VOL + Be registeredDisplays Dial Menu screen To read the message, press Yes To read the message later, press NoSelect the phone number you want to To call a preset numberSelect a telephone number to store To connect a new device ~ Select BT Audio as the source Start playbackCan be registered Tag data*1 *2 current track title/artist name/album titleBluetooth device settings Before using the remote controller Installing the batteriesSource Operations Button @/# buttons Using the number buttonsDisc ENT enter buttonWMA/WAV/VCD/CD Using the disc menuSearching for an item directly VCDSelecting a folder or track on the control screen Using the on-screen barUsing the list screen Selecting playback modesRecommended cleaning method MaintenanceDo not use the following discs Playing MPEG1/MPEG2 files More about this unitGeneral Playing Jpeg filesSatellite radio operations Only for Upper and lower cases Numbers and symbolsPlaying MP3/WMA/WAV files HD Radio reception Only for KW- AVX830/KW-ADV793Through the analog terminals Speaker out/REAR OUT/FRONT OUT Only for KW-AVX838/KW-AVX830/KW-ADV793 IPhone is a trademark of Apple IncOnly for KW-AVX830/KW-ADV793 Symptom TroubleshootingEral General Disc in generalMPEG1/MPEG2/MP3/WMA/WAV USB Symptom Remedy/Cause IPod/iPhone Satellite radio Only for KW-AVX830/KW-ADV793AV-IN KW-ADV793Bluetooth for KW-AVX838/KW-AVX830 Bluetooth for KW-ADV793 Power Output ≤ 1% THD+NDVD/CD Sleeve Required space for installation and the monitor ejectionOperating Voltage Unit mm inchCountries where you may use the Bluetooth function Bluetooth 기능을 사용할 수 있는 국가Hrvatska Magyarország Ireland Éire Slovenija SlovenskoIii Country Call Installation IN-DASH Mounting AdvertenciasElectrical Connections Conexiones Electricas Fije el panel del monitorJVC Troubleshooting Localización DE AveriasLye E0984 Italiano Upolorneni Before installation, remove the screw Control panel to the main unit 3el= PO BOX BEDFORD, TX Product Registration Gaiantii Pour tout produit utilise a des fins To OUR Valued Customer JVC