Editing Overview
Your DVD Recorder’s capabilities go far beyond simply recording in Live and Timer modes. A vast array of editing options are also available, allowing you to tailor your recordings to your own personal requirements.
You can divide your recordings into sections, or Chapters, that provide the
Lastly, to make your discs compatible for distribution to clients or friends, use the Make Compatible and Finalize options for DVD+RW and DVD+R discs, respectively. These functions assure that all your edits will be “locked in” and your discs will playback just as you wish - on most DVD players!
EDIT MENU Functions - Title Screen
Use the EDIT MENU to access available editing functions. The EDIT MENU can be accessed in the Title Screen, or during playback of a DVD+R/RW disc. The available editing functions will change depending on the type of disc and where the menu is accessed.
Access the EDIT MENU from the Title Screen for top level editing functions. These functions deal with the compatibility and playback of an entire disc, rather than with individual titles, which are edited during playback.
1 First bring up the Title Screen by pressing TITLE when the Recorder is in DVD mode.
3 To perform any of the above functions in the EDIT MENU, use the UP/DOWN ARROW keys to select a function and press ENTER to confirm.
Erase Title
Deletes the currently selected Title. The functionality of this option is different with DVD+R & DVD+RW discs. With DVD+RW discs, the title is erased and the disc space freed for use for subsequent recordings. When a title is erased on a DVD+R disc, however, the disc space cannot be reclaimed - the title is essentially “hidden” and the disc space still used.
Play Full Title
This option works in conjunction with HIDE CHAPTER, which is covered in the next section. After a chapter is “hidden”, it will no longer be shown during normal playback. Therefore, to
Make Compatible
Used with DVD+RW discs only, this function makes your edits
| CH 44 |
99 | 9 | 8:00:00 PM, Jan 2, 2003 |
9 | Length: 0:30:00 Quality: HQ | |
| |
| CH 36 |
| 6:00:00 PM, Jan 3 2003 |
| Length: 0:30:00 Quality: HQ |
| CH 44 |
| 6:00:00 PM, Jan 5 2003 |
| Length: 0:60:00 Quality: |
-such as hidden chapters - compatible with standard DVD players. Use this option before distributing any recordings that you have edited to clients or friends. Before a DVD+RW disc is made compatible, all edits will only be visible when the disc is used in the DVD Recorder.
You can use this option multiple times, moving a DVD+RW disc back and forth between the DVD Recorder and a standard DVD player. Each time a disc is edited, it must be made compatible again.
2 Press EDIT to access the EDIT MENU.
Erase Title
Play full title
Make Compatible
Edit Title
This option is only used with DVD+R discs - which must be FINALIZED before being used in a standard DVD player. Unlike DVD+RW discs, DVD+R discs cannot be moved back and forth between the recorder and standard players. You must
finish all recordings on a DVD+R and finalize the disc before it will be usable on any other player.
Erase Title
Play full title
Edit Title
Once a DVD+R disc is finalized, no further recordings can be made on the disc, and no edits can be performed.