Notches | Orient the battery pack |
| as shown. The label |
| should face outward, and |
| the plastic tabs on the |
| battery pack should be |
| aligned with the notches |
| in the sides of the battery |
| compartment. |
| Insert the battery pack |
| You will need to press |
| firmly. |
| When you’re done, slide |
| the battery cover back |
| on. You’re ready to |
| charge up the battery. |
When you insert the battery pack, the remote control starts up automatically, and the word “remote control” appears on the display. After a few seconds, the remote control beeps twice to indicate that it has finished starting up. Now you’re ready to charge up the battery.
Plug the power adapter into a wall outlet and connect it to the recharging dock.
Power adapter
Recharging dock