Securing Your Child
Securing Your Child
Once child restraint has been installed in the vehicle and adjustments have been made, follow these instructions to secure child.
1� Loosen harness by lifting harness adjuster lever located on front of restraint while pulling shoulder straps forward (fig. A).
2� Release chest clip by squeezing tabs and
sliding pieces apart (fig. B).A 3� Unfasten harness buckle by pressing
release button and sliding tongues out. 4� Move harness straps to the side of
• Use harness holder located on straps and side of cover to aid in holding straps.
5� Place child in restraint.
6� Position harness straps around child and fasten harness buckle (fig. C) and chest clip.
• Proper connection of harness buckle is confirmed with a positive click after inserting second buckle B tongue.
7� Gently pull up on harness straps to tighten lap section of harness which should fit across child’s upper thighs.
8� Slowly pull adjuster strap to tighten harness around the child (fig. D).
9� Position chest clip at middle of child’s
chest, level with child’s armpits (fig. E).
10�Verify that harness is not twisted and child is properly secured.