Nikon f instruction manual Tt»rtjcWL-ri»*ci»««t,*t

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Contents Fisheye- 8mm f/2.8 Gebrauchsanweisung Mode Ddmploi Manual DE InstruccionesEnglish Eta Mvmm i mms Tt»rtjcWL-ri»*ci»««t,*t\ Tt * ft Wnmmm HxH3--?-TC-2003/tt, TC-201Sfr«fflL/i« Sestetoo~o.3m, ift#ie « a a 2.8-22 jrOy-pi«»«t Has#fie Fisheye Lens M E N C L a T U REForeword U N T I NG the Lens Automatic Aperture Diaphragm FocusingcComposing Using Built in FiltersZenith angle Distance of point from image center PhotogrammetryRecommended Focusing Screens Projection formula Equidistant Diaphragm Automatic FEATURES/SPECIFICATIONSFISHEYE-OBJEKTIV NomenklaturVorwort Distanzeinstellungc Aufsetzen DesobjektivsAutomatische Blende Verwendung DER Eingebauten Filter Bildk OMP OsitionPhotogrammetrie Empfohlene Einstellscheiben Zubehor Technische DatenProjektionsformel Aquidistant Objectifsfisheye AVANT-PROPOSMise a U Point N T a GE DE LobjectifFiltres Incorpores D R a GE89,97 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 B C D E Gl G2 G3 G4 HI H2 H3 H4 J K/P M R T U Verres de visee recommandesDiaphragme Automatique AccessoiresCaracteristiques Objetivos Fisheye M E N K L a T U RAPrefacio Enfoquec Como Montar EL ObjetivoDiafragma DE Abertura Automatica USO DE Filtros Interconstruidos ComposicionFotogrametria Jfl Pantallas de enfoque recomendadasFormula de proyeccion Equidistante Diafragma Automatico Caracteristicas Y EspecificacionesDEPTH-OF-FIELD Table Page Nikon
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