White Balance
Making colors look natural is what white balance is all about. This is achieved by adjusting the way the camcorder "sees" and records the light source in the scene you wish to record. Your camcorder is equipped with automatic white balance. However, under certain conditions, such as recording an objec!: with various shades of the same color or when recording a predominantly red or brown object outdoors, you may want to adjust white balance manually.
Auto White Balance
During auto white balance, the camcorder will automatically adjust the white balance.
1.Place the POWER switch in
. Place the AE dial in AUTO or press SET when • M. W.B. • appears in the viewfinder until no indicator appears in the viewfinder.
Manual White Balance
1.Place the POWER switch in
2.Place the AE dial in MAN.
3.Press the SELECT button until
•M.W.B. • appears in the