D14041.02 January 2008 | TANDBERG FieldView Device User Guide |
4.7. Telestration (Drawing Lines on the Viewfinder)
Telestration permits the FieldView Device Operator or the FieldView Application software client user to draw freehand lines on a still image or live media stream using the stylus. Telestration markings appear on both the Operator’s and the FieldView Application software client display. The system is configured so that lines drawn by the FieldView Device Operator and the FieldView Application software client user appear in different colors.
Telestration is available on the Viewfinder at any time, on both streaming media and still images. It is disabled if the viewfinder is hidden (e.g. in the configuration or directory screens).
Once telestration lines have been added, an Eraser icon appears in the viewfinder. Tap the Telestration icon to display the Telestration menu. Options in the menu allow you to select which telestration lines to show or hide and which lines to erase.
4.8. Capturing Still Images
To capture a still image, press the Capture button on the top of the FieldView Device. (The Capture button behaves like the shutter button on a digital camera.) The captured image is also displayed briefly on the Viewfinder
and then cleared. If the FieldView Device is connected to a FieldView Application, the image is sent to the FieldView Application and displayed in the ImageViewer window, but is not shared. Note that if there are telestration lines, these are captured as part of the image.
If Configuration > General > Freeze video stream when capturing a still image is set (see page 18), the video stays frozen in the viewfinder and the FieldView Application Call window until the Capture button is pressed or you tap on the Capture icon. This also occurs when sharing images.
4.9. Sharing Images
The FieldView Device operator and FieldView Application client can collaborate by sharing images with each other while in a call.
To capture and share a new image:
•Press and hold the Capture button until the FieldView Device reports “Still image sharing started.”
The FieldView Device sends the image to the FieldView Application and saves a copy in the session folder on the SD card.
To end sharing:
•Press the Capture button briefly.
To share an existing image:
1.Press the Display button repeatedly until the Main menu appears.
2.Tap File Browser.
The File Browser window appears.
3.Tap the folder containing the image that you want to share. Image thumbnails appear in the pane to the right.
4.Select the image you want to share and tap Share in lower left pane.
The FieldView Device sends the image to the FieldView Application and saves a copy in the session folder.
4.10. Recording and Playing Videos
The FieldView Device can record video independent of its call state. That is, it can record while connected, disconnected, or calling. The only time that it cannot record is while it is playing back a previously recorded video.
Note: You must insert an SD memory card to record and playback videos. Do not remove the SD card while recording. This can corrupt the card data.
Telestration lines drawn on the Viewfinder.
Tap the Telestration | Lines drawn by the |
icon to show, hide, | Operator appear |
or remove existing | in a different color |
telestration lines. | from lines drawn |
| by the FieldView |
| Application software |
| client user. |
Telestration menu