Network settings
Any change made to this page will make the system restart to validate. Make sure
every field is correctly typed before clicking on .
"Reset IP address at next boot", the default status is checked to eliminate incautious mistakes during installation. However it is very annoying to perform software installation whenever Network Camera starts. Once the network settings, especially the IP address, are correct, uncheck this option to use permanently. This option can also be disabled using the Installer program. Once the option is disabled, Network Camera will skip installation at the next boot and the Installer program will no longer find the installed units. That implies that Network Camera cannot be accessed if no one remembers the IP address, except by restoring factory default settings. However, with this option disabled Network Camera can automatically operate normally after restarting in case of losing power.
“IP address”, it is necessary for network identification.
“Subnet mask”, it is used to determine if the destination is in the same subnet. The default value is “”.
“Default router”, it is the gateway used to forward frames to destinations in different subnet. Invalid router setting will fail in transmission to destinations in different subnet.
“Primary DNS”, primary domain name server who translates names to IP addresses. “Secondary DNS”, secondary domain name server to backup the primary one.
“SMTP(mail) server 1”, the domain name or IP address of external email server. “Recipient email address 1”, the email address of recipients for snapshots or log file. Multiple recipients must be separated by semicolon, ‘;’.
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