First access to Network Camera
Check network settings even if connected already
Although Network Camera already can be connected after software installation from Local Area Network, administrators should complete the network settings in the configuration page including the correct subnet mask and IP address of gateway and DNS. Ask for the network administrator or Internet service provider for the detail information. By default Network Camera will need administrator's installation every time it reboots. If the network settings are sure to work all the time, disable the install option. Refer to “Network settings” in system configuration page for details. Once any setting is entered incorrectly and thus hangs Network Camera, restore the factory settings according to the steps in troubleshooting.
Add password to protect from offense from strangers
Since the administrator’s password is blank by default, Network Camera will not ask for any password. However the administrator should change the password as soon as possible to protect from network intruders. Once the administrator’s password is saved, Network Camera always needs user name and password before access. The administrator can setup at most twenty user accounts. Each user is able to access Network Camera except for system configuration. Some critical functions are limited only for administrators such as system configuration, user administration and software upgrade. The user name of the administrator is assigned to “root” permanently. Once the password is changed, the browser will display an authentication window to ask for the new password. There is no way to discover administrator’s password. If the
password is forgotten, only restoring factory defaults can help.
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