“Disable digital zoom” The checkbox selection allows users to disable/enable the digital zoom function.
“Zoom Factors” The range of zoom factor is from 100% to 400%, users can select any integer factor inside this area.
“Hide” Click on this button can close the digital zoom control window.
The pan/tilt control buttons:
The direction buttons are for Left, Right, Up, Down, and Home functions. The Home button centers the camera.
“Go to” Once the Administrator has determined the preset positions; the User can aim the camera using this control.
“Pan speed”
This button sets the moving range of the “Left” and “Right” commands.
“Tilt speed”
This button sets the moving range of the “Up” and “Down” commands.
This button commands the camera to pan from the current position to the
This button commands the camera to patrol between the preset positions on the Patrol List, which can be modified on the “Camera control page”. After one patrol cycle, the camera returns to the original position.
“Stop” This stops the “Auto Pan” command or “Auto Patrol” command.
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