Section 5 - Troubleshooting
9. Can the
If a firewall exists on the network, port 80 is open for ordinary data communication. The
10. Why am I unable to access the DCS-3410 from a Web browser?
If a router or firewall is used on the network, the correct ports for the
11. Why does the Network Camera work locally but not externally?
This might be caused by network firewall protection. The firewall may need to have some settings changed in order for the Network Camera to be accessible outside your local LAN. Check with the Network Administrator for your network.
Make sure that the Network Camera isn’t conflicting with any Web server you may have running on your network.
The default router setting might be a possible reason. Check that the configuration of the router settings allow the Network Camera to be accessed outside your local LAN.
12.I connected the Network Camera directly to a computer with a
This Windows error will occur if the Network Camera is connected to a computer that is not properly configured with a valid IP address. Turn off DHCP from the Network Settings in Windows and configure the computer with a valid IP address, or connect the camera to a router with DHCP enabled. This error can also occur if the Installation Wizard icon is clicked on more than once from the setup wizard.
13.Noisy images occur. How can I solve the problem?
The video images might be noisy if the Network Camera is used in a very low light environment. To solve this issue you need more lighting.
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