GXV3601 IP Camera
Items on GXV3601 Home Page
1Motion Detection If the motion detection alarm is triggered, the indicator will flash red. Click on the indicator to turn off the alarm.
2Alarm Event If an alarm event is triggered, the indicator will flash red. Click on the indicator to turn off the alarm.
3Control Console PTZ Console controller. PTZ device needs to be connected.
4 | ZOOM | NOTE: GXV3601 does not support zoom |
5 | FOCUS | Adjusts the focus of images. |
6DefaultClick this option to reset the video brightness, contrast, and saturation to their factory default configuration.
7SPEEDAdjusts the rotation speed of the console.
8BRIGHTNESS Adjusts the image brightness.
9CONTRAST Adjusts the image contrast.
10SATURATION Adjusts the image saturation.
11View Size Resize the image to fit into the window panel in the home scream.
12PlayPlays/Stops the video.
13Capture Captures the image displayed and saves it to C:\GS_Capture (default directory).
14RecordRecords the video and saves it to C:\GS_Record (default directory).
15Sound Off/On Toggles the sound On or Off.
17Playback Replays the saved video.
18ConfigConfigures the Save Location for captured images and recorded videos.
GXV3601 System Page
This page allows you to configure the system settings on GXV3601.
Current System Time - displays the current date and time (24h clock).
Set the System Time
Update via NTP Server - the camera will obtain the time from an NTP server Specify the NTP server's IP address or
Firmware | Page 16 of 36 |
Grandstream Networks, Inc. | 09/2010 |