Storing a Station
You can store one MW and LW station and 4 FM stations on each of the preset buttons ;. The display will show you the selected wa- veband (FM, MW or LW) and preset button. On FM, the display will also give you the chosen storage level (I, II, III or T).
If you wish to change from one storage level to another:
●press the FM•T button >. If you wish to store a station:
●(for FM only) select the storage level.
To achieve this, press the FM•T button > until I,II,III or T appears in the dis- play :.
●tune in the station (see chapter Station Tuning).
●press the desired preset button ; until the radio resumes play (approx. 2 se- conds).
The display : indicates which preset button has been pressed.
The station has now been stored.
When tuning in an already stored station, the display : will show the corresponding pre- set button for approx. five seconds and the respective storage level.
Automatically Storing the Stron- gest Stations
With Travelstore, you have the opportunity to automatically store the six most powerful FM stations of your local reception area and have them sorted according to their frequencies. This feature is of special use while travelling.
●Press the FM•T rocker switch > for at least two seconds.
The set searches for the next FM stati- ons and sorts them on the “T” (Travel- store) storage level. Once the process is finished, the car radio tunes in to the first station.
If required, it is also possible to manually store a station on the Travelstore level. If less than five stations can be received, the free buttons are represented by dashes for a short period of time.
Activating a Stored Station
If required, the memorized stations can be activated at a keystroke.
●Choose the storage level.
For this, press FM•T > until the dis- play : shows I, II or III, or T.
●Briefly press the required preset button
Briefly Sampling a Station
(Radio Scan)
Starting with the currently tuned in station, you can have the following ones briefly sam- pled for approx. eight seconds each.
●Press the knob 1 for approx. 1 sec. If the following station is found, it is reproduced for approximately eight
seconds.The station’s frequency starts blinking on display :; if it has already been memorized, the corresponding
preset button and the storage level indi- cator starts blinking on display :. Sub- sequently, the set starts searching for the next station.
For selecting a sampled station:
●Press the knob 1 once again. The Scan function is off.
After the search operation has been conclu- ded, and no station has been chosen, the radio starts playing the station from which Station Scan was started before.
Sampling Memorized Stations
All memorized stations of a waveband can be briefly sampled.
●Press the PS rocker switch ?.
One after another, the car radio will then start introducing all memorized stations of the selected waveband.