Alert Profiles
Alert Profile allows you to identify callers with a particular ringtone or display picture/animation, making it easier to distinguish between callers or groups of callers.
Hot Key Phone Numbers
Phone numbers from the Phonebook or Service Dial part of the Phonebook can be dialled quickly.
Creating an Alert Profile
Phone book > | x 2 |
Alert Profile |
Personal or Group
Press and hold a Digit key (1~9)
Note: In some instances, a long press on the 9key will initiate the games menu
Select an entry from |
the phone book | Recall |
Setting the Hot Key Dial Source
From Idle mode:
x 3 |
| Phonebook > |
Select Fixed Data or | Hot Key Dial |
Data Folder |
Select required fixed data or file from data folder
Select SIM Phonebook |
or Mobile Phonebook | Phonebook |