
you can make call while confirming recorded messages, send message and delete the message in the View list.
-Response Message: Depending on your current situation, a different answering message will be played, including. [Absent/Meeting/Driving/User Message]. The User Message is the voice message of the local user that will be answered in the standby mode.
-Response Time: Sets the automatic answering time (After 3 Secs/5 Secs/10 Secs/20 Secs). When the response time elapses without answering the incoming call, the recorded message will be relayed to the caller. If the caller decides to leave a voice message, recording will be started with a beep sound.
-User Message: Displays your voice message set for the
response message. Press the [ ] key for playback. If no message is recorded, only the recorder function will 6.3.3 Auto Answer.
Auto Redial | [6.3.4] |
Select ‘Menu>6.Settings>3.Call Settings>4.Auto Redial’. This function automatically redials the number the call is made to.
-On: Sets up Auto Redial.
-Off: Cancels Auto Redial.
Call Waiting | [6.3.5] |
Select ‘Menu>6.Settings>3.Call Settings>5.Call Waiting’. The call waiting function informs you of the reception of a second call.
-Activate: Sets up Call Waiting.
-Deactivate: Cancels the preset Call Waiting.
-Status: Informs the setup condition.
Send Caller ID | [6.3.6] |
Select ‘Menu>6.Settings>3.Call Settings>6.Send Caller ID’.


You can prevent your phone number from being displayed on the phone of the person being called. This service is dependent on the network. Please ask the network provider.
Own Number | [6.3.7] |
Select ‘Menu>6.Settings>3.Call Settings>7.Own Number’. The number for Own Number can vary depending on the SIM.
Press the [Option] Soft key [[] to:
•Add: Adds Own Number.
•Delete: Deletes Own Number.
•Edit: Edits Own Number.
Language | [6.4] |
Select ‘Menu>6.Settings>4.Language’.
You can select a language to be displayed on the phone.
Time & Date | [6.5] |
Set ‘Menu>6.Settings>5.Time & Date’.
You can set up Time, Date, and Date Format.
Favorite | [6.6] |
Select ‘Menu>6.Settings>6.Favorite’.
The Favorite menu designates your additional favourites.
You can access menus down to 2 levels but the Media Gallery cannot be deleted because it is the default menu.
The [o] key means ADD with no item or Go to with an item.
On the set values in Favorite, the Application Lock item asks for a password before Go to.
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