Note: The console can display speed and distance in either miles or kilometers. To determine which unit of measure-
ment is selected, hold down the Start Program button for three seconds. An E (for English miles) or an M (for metric kilometers)
will appear in the matrix. To change the unit of mea- surement, press
the + button. While an E or an M appears in the matrix, the left display will show the total numbers of hours that the elliptical crosstrainer has been used, and the right display will show the total num- ber of miles pedaled. When you are finished view- ing this information, press the Start Program but- ton again.
6 Measure your heart rate if desired.
Note: If you wear the optional chest pulse sen- sor (see page 19) and hold the handgrip pulse sensor at the same time, the console may not display your heart rate accurately.
If there are thin sheets of plastic on the metal con- tacts on the handgrip
pulse sensor,Contacts peel off the
plastic. To measure your
heart rate, place your hands on the contacts; your palms must be resting on the contacts closest to
you, and your fingers must be touching the other contacts. Avoid moving your hands.
When your pulse is detected, the heart
rate indicator above the right display will light, dashes may appear in the dis- play, and then your
heart rate will be shown. For the most accurate heart rate reading, continue holding the contacts for about 15 seconds. Note: If your heart rate is not shown, make sure that your hands are posi- tioned as described. Be careful not to move your hands excessively or to squeeze the metal con- tacts too tightly.
When you hold the pulse sensor, the right display will show your heart rate for about 15 seconds. If you continue to hold the pulse sensor, the display will show your heart rate along with the distance you have pedaled and the number of calories you have burned.
When you are finished exercising, the console
7 will automatically turn off.
If the console buttons are not pressed and the pedals are not moved for a few minutes, the con- sole will automatically turn off.