Basic Settings
Before taking the Polar FA20 in use, you need to personalize it. For activity feedback to be accurate, all user information must be correct.
1.To activate your FA20, press any button for one second. Once activated, it cannot be switched off.
2.Language: Select Deutsch, English, Español, Français or Italiano with UP/DOWN. Press OK.
3.Please enter basic settings is displayed. Press OK.
4.Time form.: Select 12 hours or 24 hours and press OK. Set time. If you select 12h, set AM/PM first and then time.
5.Date: Set Day, Month, Year. If you select the 12 h format, set Month, Day, Year.
6.Units: Set metric (KG, CM) or imperial (LBS, FT). By selecting lbs/ft, calories are displayed as CAL, otherwise they are shown as KCAL. Calories are measured as kilocalories.
7.Weight: Enter your weight.
8.Height: Enter your height. In imperial format, first enter feet then inches.
9.Day of birth: Enter your date of birth.
10.Sex: Select Male or Female.
11.Settings OK? is displayed. Select with UP and DOWN.YES: settings are accepted and saved. The display returns to Time mode. NO: Basic settings can still be changed. Press BACK to return to the data you want to change.
After saving the basic settings, the FA20 enters Time mode.
You can modify your user information in Settings afterwards. For more information, see Settings.
Get Started 5