If you need service or assistance, we suggest you follow these steps:
1. Before calling for assistance . . .
Performance problems often result from little things you can find and fix yourself without tools of any kind.
If your washer does not fill:
lIs the powersupplycord plugged into alivecircuit with the propervoltage?
lAre both water faucets open?
lHave you checked your home’s main fuses or circuit breaker box?
lAre the water supply hoses kinked?
lIs the Cycle Control Knob set and pulled out?
If your washer does not spin:
lIs the lid closed?
lIs the powersupplycord plugged into alivecircuit with the propervoltage?
lHave you checked your home’s main fuses or circuit breaker box?
If your washer stops during a cycle:
l Remember, the washer pauses briefly at different times in each cycle. These pauses are normal.
If your washer fills and drains without running:
lMake sure that the Cycle Control Knob is pointing to a number in the cycle.
Make sure the drain hose is higher than the water level in the washer. If it isn’t:
l The washermayseem to bedraining during wash and rinse cycles.
lWater can siphon out. (See “lnstalla- tion Instructions’:)
2.If you moved.. .
To make sure that your appliance is correctly installed and to ensure its continued satisfactory operation, call your dealer. (Installation cost must, of course, be paid by you.)
3. Helpful hints. . .
You can help your service representative give faster service if you include the model and serial number of your appliance when requesting service. Also, retain your sales slip and warranty to verify your warranty status.
Remember . . . Your service representative is trained in repairing and servicing your Whirlpool appliances. He can help you maintain the quality originally built into your WHIRLPOOL appliance. So . . . take the time now to look up his telephone number and jot it down in the space provided on page 2.