Chart Speed
Chart Speed determines the speed at w hich the sonar i nformation moves across t he display, and conseque ntly the amount of detail shown.
A faster speed shows more information and is preferr ed by most ang lers; however,the sonar information movesacross the display quickly. A slower speed keeps th e i nformation on the display longer, but t he bottom and fi sh details become compressed and may be dif ficult to interpret. Regardless of the Chart Speed setting, the RTS Window™ will update at the maximum rate possible for the depth conditions. Adjust Chart Speed to your personal preference.
To adjust the Chart Speed:
1.Highlight Chart Speed on the Sonar
2.Press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor keys to increase or decrease the Chart Speed setting.
Zoom Level
(Sonar Zoom View only)
Zoom Level sets the magnification level for the Sonar Zoom View. Use Zoom to see more d etail in t he bott om sonar returns th at might be displayed close together, such as those caused by fish suspended close to the bottom or within structure.
Zoom Level is only available on the
NOTE: The Zoom Preview Box tracks the bottom and cannot be moved.
To adjust the Zoom Level:
1.Press the VIEW key until you see Sonar Zoom View on the display. Then press the MENU key once to access the Sonar
2.Highlight Zoom Level on the Sonar
3.Press the LEFT or RIGHT Cursor keys to change the Zoom Level. (2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, Default = 2x)
Sonar | 36 |