Viewing Angle: Viewing Angle is an attribute of an LCD that characterizes visibility of the display when viewing from off the central access, such as when standing to the si de of th e fishf inder. Wider vi ewing a ngles are better because the information remains visible even when viewing fromthe side.
WhiteLine™: WhiteLine™ is a Hummi nbird® feature tha t highlights the strongest s onar return on the display using a ve ry li ght gr ay band. T his is preferred by som e a nglers who hav e g rown accust omed t o t he feature on paper graph chart recorders.
WideSide®: WideSide® is a Humminbird® sonar configuration used in an optional transducer. WideSide® uses thre e sonar beams pointing to the left, right a nd down. Beams pointing to the left and right are eff ective for spotting fish and structure near the surface or on the bank.The downlooking beam provides depth information directly below the boat.
Zoom: Zoom is a feature that focusesin on a smaller area of the bottom to provide enhanced resolution. With enhanced resolution, the angler can more easily see fish hangingin structure or multiple fish hanging close together. Split scren zoom divides the display into the full range view on the right, and the zoomed view on the left.
Zoom, Bottom Lock: Bottom Lock Zoom is a feature that focuses on a smaller area just above t he bottom to provide enhanced resolution. Unlike regular zoom, it continuously graphs the bottom at a constant point on the display regardless of changes i n depth. T his “flattens“ out the bottom con tour, but is e ffective at showing fish on or near the bottom, and is preferred by many saltwater anglers.
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