new range, and the old sonar informationwould continue to scroll off the screen at the old range.
Transducer: The transducer is part of the sonar system, which mounts on the boat and is in contact with the water, that converts the electrical energy from
the tr ansmitter into sound ener gy, and th at | f orms the sonar beam in turn. |
Internally, th e tr ansducer consis ts of one or | more piezo electr ic disks tha t |
expand by very minute amounts to create the sound wave. This element a lso works in reverse, converting the returned sound energy back into an electrical signal that the receiver interprets. Transducers are available for many specific mounting applications for the boat, such as a transom mo unt, trolling motor mount, etc. Humminbird® offers many s ophisticated t ransducers, often with multiple piezo elect ric elements designed t o f orm specifically- shaped sonar beams, providing the angler w ith superior tools for finding and catching fish. See Transmitter and SONAR.
Transmitter: The transmitter and receiver are matched parts of the sonar system
that send (trans mit) and listen to (rece ive) th e so nar sign als, and work in conjunction with the transducer. Humminbird® transmitters have anextremely fast cycling design that can send signals up to 60times per second, as well as produce the varying levels of power output needed for different depths and conditions. Additionally, the transmitter has the capability to create very precise sonar pulses needed for a hig h degree o f target se paration. Hu mminbird® rece ivers are extremely se nsitive, but wi thin a narrow “ bandwidth“ to d iscriminate against noise from external sources. A dditionally, the receiver off ers a wi de “dynamic range“ which provides the ability to receive very strong signals alternating with very wea k signals, without the strong signal overwhelming th e weak signal. See Transducer and Noise.
TripLog: TripLog is a Humminbird® feature that providesan
TrueArch®: TrueArch® is a Humminbird® feature that provides true fish arches, not artificial a rches or sy mbols. Humminbird® units are cap able of producing fish arches due to t he wi de 60° sonar beam of DualBea m PLUS™, a n extremely sensitive sonar receiver. See Fish Arch.
Glossary | 72 |