Chart Speed: Chart Speed is a
Cone Angle: The cone angle is the angular measurement of the sonar beam at a specific dB down point (i.e.
Customizable Di gital Reado | uts: Customiza ble Dig | ital Readouts is a |
Humminbird® feature that permits t he u ser to s elect | the specific digital | |
information that appears in the | main So nar v iew (i.e. Sp eed, Temperature, | |
Barometric Pressure, TripLog, etc.) |
Dead Zone: The dead zone is the area of the sonar beam that receives the sonar signal after the main bottom return. Fish and other objects close to the bottom that fall within the dead zone will probab ly not be visible in the sona r beam. Precision sonar beams , s uch as t he Hum minbird® 20° b eam, have a sm aller dead zone than wider sonar beams.
Decibel: A D ecibel is the m easurement for s ound pressure l evel, or “intensity”of the sonar return. See dB Down Point.
dB Down Point: The dB Down Point is the standard decibel level at which the sonar cone angle is meas ured, and is wr itten as “@
Display, FSTN: FSTN is an acr onym for Film
DualBeam PLUS™: DualBeam PLUS™ is a Humminbird® sonar configuration that uses two sonar beams simultaneously, and combines the information from both beams into one view by overlapping the d ata
65 | Glossary |