Real Time Sonar (RTS™) Window
A Real Time Sonar (RTS™) Window appears on the right side of the display in the Sonar View only. The RTS Window™ updates at the fastest rate possible for depth conditions and shows only the returns from the bottom, structure, and fish that are within the transducer beam . The RTS Wind ow™ plots the depth and intensity of a sonar return (see Sonar Menu Tab: RTS Window™).
The Narrow RTS W indow™ indicates the sonar intensity through the use of colors. Red indicates a strong return and blue indicates a weak return. The depth of the sonar return is indicated by t he ver tical placement of the return on the display depth scale.
The Wide R TS Window™
indicates t he so nar i ntensity through the u se of a ba r graph. The length of the plotted r eturn indicates whether the return is weak or strong. The depth of the sonar return is in dicated by th e vertical p lacement of th e return o n the d isplay d epth
scale. The Wide RT | S |
Window™ does n ot us | e |
grayscale. |
Instant Image Update
Instant Image Update - You can change avariety of sonar menu settings (such as Sensitivity or Upper Range), and the adjustments will be shown instantly on the screen.
7 | What’s On the Sonar Display |