4.4 Telnet Setup
Set the Number of Connections to
Send remote reset: Telnet port 2002 will bring a terminal for admin password. After typing the password and following with the end character, the message Admin. Login Successful will be showed on the terminal. Now type "reset" following with return character to reset the iServer. If no character is received within 20 seconds, the terminal will be closed automatically.
Initiating the archive chart while Telnet is active will halt Telnet until the archive chart is done.
4.5 HTTPGET Program
The Httpget software is used to send a single HTTP or TCP request to an iServer product. In contrast, the telnet or Hyperterminal programs allow a continuous connection with multiple requests to be sent to the iServer product.
Generally httpget is used for simply programming an IP address to the iServer or for quickly obtaining a reading of from a device.
The iServer product must be configured from the configuration web page so that the "Server Type" value is set to "Command" (This is positioned under the heading of Terminal Server). Also the Number of Connections may need to be set to "0" to enable Port 1000 (Port 1000 is for access in a
Whenever Terminal Server service (using Port 2000 by default) is required, the Number of Connections must be set to a value from 1 to 5. The Terminal Server mode is the recommended mode for the most reliable connection when operating with NEWPORT software or with other programs supporting TCPIP communications. The Port 1000 access can be used with NEWPORT software and may be needed with some iServer products when you need to view readings from the web page while simultaneously collecting data through TCPIP communications.