TC electronic SDN BHD M3000 user manual Vssgate, Reverb Mod, Space Mod, VSSGate

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Reverb Mod


(Off, Smooth 1, Smooth 2, Perc, Wow, Vintage, Wild) Adjusts the type of modulation.


(-100, default, +100) Allows you to offset the speed of the LFO from the factory default assigned to each Type.


(0% - 200%) Sets the Width of the modulation.

Space Mod

This group of parameters sets the way the sound moves about the room.


(Off, Normal, Fast, Slow, MidFreq, Sync).


(-100, default, +100) Allows you to offset the speed of the LFO from the factory default assigned to each type.


(0% - 100%) Sets the width of the modulation.


(-50, default, +50) Allows you to offset the amount of space modulation from the factory default.


The VSS™ algorithm with Gate parameters added. The Gate function is very comprehensive, and opens up a lot of opportunities in combination with the reverb.

The user interface is split into two levels: Easy mode, which gives access to the most common parameters, and

Expert mode with additional parameters available.


When the Input signal falls below this Threshold, the Gate starts working. This means that the higher Threshold the more expansion you will get.


The Attack is the time that the Gate uses for

bringing the reduced signal to 1:1, when the signal exceeds the Threshold.


Is the time that the Gate will keep the Ratio at 1:1 below the Threshold, before the Release time sets in.


The Release time is the fallback time that the Gate uses to close.


(On/off) When set to ON the gate works as a normal gate, when set to OFF the gate will run the whole “Attack, Hold, Release” time-cycle before it will be possible to retrig the gate again. This feature is very useful when working with percussive material.

Gate Decay

(0.10 - 1.00) From the Release point, the gate takes down the Output level, but at the same time it’s possible to roll-off the Decay Time in the tail (See the GateType parameter). This parameter is a multiplier on the Decay time that sets in from the start of the Release time. This allows you to “empty” the tail at the Release time so no leftovers are heard when the gate opens again.

Max Att

(0dB - 100dB) Max attenuation of the Gate.


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Contents M3000 Page Service Important Safety InstructionsCertificate Of Conformity For the customers in CanadaTable of Contents Page Introduction Main Features Algorithms in the M3000 areOverload Front PanelEngine 1 or Recall Pdif Rear PanelSignal Flow Recall Recalling a PresetRecall Displays Preset banks Factory/User PresetsCombined Recall Recall & Snapshots Index feature in the Recall ModeSnapshots Using a Memory Card Storing a User preset and handling preset namesStore Combined StoreReverb Wizard Signal SignalInput Optical ThruDither Status BitRanges Levels MenuParallel RoutingDual Mono LinkedUse two sends on your mixing console Routing & Studio Setup ExamplesCreate your own Vocal Reverb Two individual inserts on your mixing consolePreset glide How to move aroundUTILITY/MIDI DisplayMidi Output Memory BackupSecurity Memory CopyMidi Monitor & Midi Implementation Press Shift followed by UTIL/MIDI to access Midi MonitorMidi Monitor Ll Midi ImplementationTempo Exercise How to edit a preset Expert modeEdit EditDynamic Morphing Dynamic MorphingMorph direction VSS Introduction Constructing a Reverb Preset with the VSS algorithmsTo use the M3000 as a Stereo Reverb Finding the right Early Type & Size for your trackVSS Introduction Overview of the VSS Reverb Section Pre Delay versus Rev DelayMixing the Reverb Out Levels Modulation of the Reverb TailVssfp & Vsssr VSS for Film and Post ProductionVssfp Film and Post Vsssr Surround Vsssr SurroundReverb Programs VSS3VSS3 Reverb Early ReflectionsModulation Reverb tailReverb Mod VssgateSpace Mod VSSGateColor Gate TypeLow Cut Lmid Decay RevBalLow Xover Low DecayReverb Modulation Vssfp Reverb Vssfp Film & PostEarly Type Several types Early PosRev Width Modulation Rear Delay Front DelayFront Decay Rear DecayRev Depth Reverb Mod Reflections R.ERev-3 REV-3Delay Additional Effects Delay & PitchPitch Frequency Additional Effects EQBand width EQ levelChorus Additional Effects Chorus & FlangerFlanger Additional Effects Flanger & Tremolo LFO Phase 0, 90 or 180ºTremolo Cross FeedbackPhaser Additional Effects Phaser & EXPANDER/GATEExpander/Gate Compressor Additional Effects CompressorOut Gain De-esser Additional Effects DE-ESSERReset System Parameters Appendix the ResetReset all presets Store User DefAppendix Self Test Appendix Troubleshooting Dithering Appendix GlossaryTechnical Specifications are subject Appendix Technical SpecificationsTo change without notice Control Change Appendix Midi Implementation ChartPedal Cable Midi CableJack unbalanced XLR Jack balanced XLRTop 20 Presets M3000 Preset ListHalls Preset #21 toLong Pre Dly Medium Guitar Hall Club Carib Bright Slap ReverbBallad Drums Medium Vocal Hall Vocal For Thin Voice Big Empty ClubRooms 114 Sweet Basil Vocal R.E 115 Blackface Amp Preset #137 to116 Large Hall Clear 117 Soupy Ballad VerbPreset #191 to Delayed HallPlates Bossa Nova Perc Room R.EClubs Gated Reverb PresetsOther Algorithms Ultra small reverb presets Indoor Mini Presets #251 to Vssfp PresetsSmall rooms and spaces Indoor Small 301 Wine Cellar M3000 Preset List M3000 Preset List Block of dedicated nature area reverbs Effect reverb settings Vsssr algorithm presetsCombined presets M3000 Preset List M3000 Preset List