TC electronic SDN BHD M3000 user manual Early Bal, Rev Width

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Early Bal

(-100dB R, Center, -100dB L) the left/right balance of the Early Reflections. Allows you to offset the Early Reflections from the normal center position.

Hi Color:

Adjusts the spectral balance in the high end frequencies. This is actually a simple way of adjusting a complex selec- tion of frequencies.

Low Cut

(20Hz - 400Hz) This adjustable filter removes low frequencies for the Early Reflections.

Reverb Tail

Rev Type

(Smooth, Natural, Alive, Fast, Fast Wd, Alive Wd)

Adjust this parameter with the Early Lev turned all the way off and the Rev Lev all the way up. Change the type to get a feel of what each one sounds like.

Rev Width

With this parameter you can change the width of the reverb tail. The Mono setting is where the left and right reverb tails are completely identical, the Center setting opens a bit up in the middle, Stereo is the normal stereo image width and Wide are on the outside of the stereo image.

Note: The RevTypes: Fast Wd and Alive Wd only have one width (extremely wide).


(±50) This parameter gives you more or less diffusion than the algorithm designer intended for the given Decay time. For optimum performance the diffusion is automatically adjusted behind the scenes whenever you change decay times. This parameter gives you the added control to vary the diffusion around this automatic setting.

Rev Bal

(-100dB R, center, -100dB L) The left/right balance of the Reverb tail. Allows you to offset the tail from the normal center position.

Hi Cut

(20Hz-20kHz) Rolls off the top end as it enters the Reverb tail. Used in conjunction with Hi Soften and Hi Decay to "darken" a room.

Hi Soften

(+/-50) Hi Soften is a special filter used to "soften" the high frequencies of Reverb tail. This is not a simple Hi Cut filter but a complex set of filters working together to remove those frequencies that make a reverb sound "brittle" or harsh sounding. Hi Soften is scaled/linked to the Hi Cut and

Hi Decay parameters.

Hi Decay

(0.01 - 2.5) Multiplier for the frequencies above the Hi Xover frequency. Example: If the main Decay parameter is set to 2.0sec and the Hi Decay parameter is set to 1.5, frequencies above the Hi-Xover will decay for 3.0 sec. Conversely if this parameter is set to 0.5 the Decay time above the Hi Xover point will be 1 sec.

Hi Xover

(500Hz - 20KHZ) sets the frequency at which the transition from the mid frequencies to the high frequencies takes place.

Mid Decay

(0.01 - 2.5) The Ratio control multiplier for the mid frequencies. This parameter is normally set to 1.0 as it is the main parameter adjusted by the main Decay parameter. This mid-range decay control would normally be omitted, however, TC Engineers felt you could use this parameter as a fine adjustment tool to “tweak” a preset to sound just right without having to adjust the master Decay parameter.

Mid Xover

(200Hz - 2kHz) Sets the frequency at which the transition from the low-mid to the mid frequencies takes place.

Lo mid Decay

(0.01 - 2.5) The Ratio control multiplier for the low-mid frequencies

Lo Xover

(20Hz - 500Hz) Sets the frequency at which the transition from the low to the low-mid frequencies takes place.

Lo Decay

(0.01 - 2.5) The Ratio control multiplier for the low frequencies.


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Contents M3000 Page Important Safety Instructions ServiceFor the customers in Canada Certificate Of ConformityTable of Contents Page Main Features Algorithms in the M3000 are IntroductionFront Panel OverloadEngine 1 or Recall Rear Panel PdifSignal Flow Recalling a Preset RecallRecall Displays Factory/User Presets Preset banksCombined Recall Index feature in the Recall Mode Recall & SnapshotsSnapshots Store Storing a User preset and handling preset namesUsing a Memory Card Combined StoreReverb Wizard Input SignalSignal Optical ThruStatus Bit DitherLevels Menu RangesDual Mono RoutingParallel LinkedCreate your own Vocal Reverb Routing & Studio Setup ExamplesUse two sends on your mixing console Two individual inserts on your mixing consoleUTILITY/MIDI How to move aroundPreset glide DisplaySecurity Memory BackupMidi Output Memory CopyMidi Monitor Press Shift followed by UTIL/MIDI to access Midi MonitorMidi Monitor & Midi Implementation Ll Midi ImplementationTempo Edit Expert modeExercise How to edit a preset EditDynamic Morphing Dynamic MorphingMorph direction Constructing a Reverb Preset with the VSS algorithms VSS IntroductionFinding the right Early Type & Size for your track To use the M3000 as a Stereo ReverbVSS Introduction Mixing the Reverb Out Levels Pre Delay versus Rev DelayOverview of the VSS Reverb Section Modulation of the Reverb TailVSS for Film and Post Production Vssfp & VsssrVssfp Film and Post Vsssr Surround Vsssr SurroundVSS3 Reverb VSS3Reverb Programs Early ReflectionsReverb tail ModulationSpace Mod VssgateReverb Mod VSSGateGate Type ColorLow Cut Low Xover RevBalLmid Decay Low DecayReverb Modulation Early Type Several types Vssfp Film & PostVssfp Reverb Early PosRev Width Modulation Front Decay Front DelayRear Delay Rear DecayRev Depth Reverb Mod R.E ReflectionsREV-3 Rev-3Additional Effects Delay & Pitch DelayPitch Band width Additional Effects EQFrequency EQ levelAdditional Effects Chorus & Flanger ChorusFlanger Tremolo LFO Phase 0, 90 or 180ºAdditional Effects Flanger & Tremolo Cross FeedbackAdditional Effects Phaser & EXPANDER/GATE PhaserExpander/Gate Additional Effects Compressor CompressorOut Gain Additional Effects DE-ESSER De-esserReset all presets Appendix the ResetReset System Parameters Store User DefAppendix Self Test Appendix Troubleshooting Appendix Glossary DitheringAppendix Technical Specifications Technical Specifications are subjectTo change without notice Appendix Midi Implementation Chart Control ChangeJack unbalanced XLR Midi CablePedal Cable Jack balanced XLRM3000 Preset List Top 20 PresetsPreset #21 to HallsBallad Drums Medium Vocal Hall Club Carib Bright Slap ReverbLong Pre Dly Medium Guitar Hall Vocal For Thin Voice Big Empty Club116 Large Hall Clear 114 Sweet Basil Vocal R.E 115 Blackface Amp Preset #137 toRooms 117 Soupy Ballad VerbPlates Delayed HallPreset #191 to Bossa Nova Perc Room R.EGated Reverb Presets ClubsOther Algorithms Vssfp Presets Ultra small reverb presets Indoor Mini Presets #251 toSmall rooms and spaces Indoor Small 301 Wine Cellar M3000 Preset List M3000 Preset List Block of dedicated nature area reverbs Vsssr algorithm presets Effect reverb settingsCombined presets M3000 Preset List M3000 Preset List