4.7 MIDI tone generator and multi-effect unit
As already explained, the PowerMate can be used to transfer MIDI data for instance from a master keyboard to a PC/Mac. Using appropriate software, such as a multi- track recording application and suitable PlugIns (e.g. the supplied Cubase LE software), the entire world of most up-to-date sounds is always at your disposal. Due to the efficiency of today's laptops, it is no longer a problem to expand your personal sound library even in Live-use with sounds that, a few years ago, were only to be found on so- phisticated studio synthesizers. Connect your master keyboard to the MIDI IN jack and select the MIDI INTER- FACE as input for the tone generator in the software application. The computer-generated sounds are trans- mitted over one of the two USB stereo channel strips back to the PowerMate. Using the faders, you can comfortably adjust the volume level, as if you had con- nected a keyboard with built-in tone generator to the ste- reo line inputs.
Illustration 4-10: Using the PC/Mac as MIDI tone generator
Master Keyboard
The PowerMate offers similar options for the creation of sound effects. The PC serves as an external, extremely powerful multi-effects unit. Since the signal is fed from one or both AUX ways, the operation during mixing becomes as simple as using the internal effects of the PowerMate. The AUX ways should be switched to post- mode. The effect signal generated in the PC is again added to the overall mix via USB stereo channels 1-2 and 3-4. The stereo channel faders serve as FX-return cont- rols.
Finally, it has to be mentioned that, depending on the software and drivers, some of the options described can also be used in parallel. For example, you can use the four recording channels of the PowerMate for live recording and at the same time play back music from the same PC, e. g. for stage performances.