Measure Pulse Width This means that the E1538 will measure the width of the logic 1 portion of a pulse. The pulse width is sent to the algorithm in units of seconds. To measure the high portion of a pulse (positive going edge to negative going edge) set the channel input polarity to INP:POL NORM,(@<ch_list>). To measure the low portion of the pulse (negative going edge to positive going edge) set the channel input polarity to INP:POL INV,(@<ch_list>).
The value returned to an algorithm can be from 5μSec to 1 Second with 59.6nSec resolution.
To configure channels to measure pulse width use the command [SENSe:]:FUNCtion:PWIDth <avg_count>,(@<ch_list>)
•<avg_count> sets the number of pulses to average when forming the pulse duration value. More counts give more accurate readings, but slower response to changing pulse widths.
•<ch_list> specifies the channels that will read pulse widths