•<index_type> can be either of the strings "MISSing", or "EXTRa"
•<ch_list> must be the first channel on the SCP, but can contain more than one channel provided that each channel is on a separate E1538. See following note. The related Error Messages are:
3110, "Channel specified is invalid for RVELocity function.
Note Only one channel on any E1538 SCP can be assigned to the SENS:FUNC:RVEL function, and it must be the first channel on the SCP."
Figure 14. Sense Rotational Velocity
Example of Rotational Velocity Sense
Channel 40 senses RVEL and the algorithm reads and returns the velocity value in CVT element 40
ALG:DEF ’ALG1’,’writecvt(I140,40);’
loop always SENS:DATA:CVT? (@40) display the RVEL value end loop
12 toothed wheel with one missing, from channel 40 simply puts value from ch 40 into CVT element 40
start the algorithm
will loop from "end loop" to here query the value from CVT 40