VXI VT1538A user manual Identifying the Plug-on Important

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both full and half step modes.(requires 2 or 4 channels)

The logical sense of input and output channels can be configured as inverted or normal.

Input-configured channels have individually programmable threshold levels that can range from -46V to +46V.

Identifying the Plug-on (IMPORTANT)

There are two versions of the E1538A. The early version does not support a PERiod measurement command set. Early versions have ROM revision February 1998 and earlier. The later version adds period measurement, and an improved frequency measurement function. The later versions have ROM revision after February 1998.

In order to access the additional functions of the later E1538A, you must use one of the following drivers:

The Plug & Play driver with revision A.02.07 or later

The Command Module driver with revision A.05.11 or later

To determine the driver revision, execute the *IDN? command.

Figure 1. Identifying the SCP and its ROM Revision

Agilent E1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCP 5

Image 9
Contents VT1538A VXI Technology, Inc Introduction Support Resources User’s and Scpi Programming Manual Page About this Manual Agilent E1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCPIntroduction Identifying the Plug-on Important Switch Location and Example Settings Setting Configuration SwitchesConnecting To The Terminal Module InstallationE1419A Option 11 Terminal Module Connections Recommended Signal ConnectionsRecommended Connections and Voltage Limits Input and Output CharacteristicsE1538A Input/Output Characteristics VRS Mode Input Operation SCP Channels 0 & 1 onlyShows the VRS mode input characteristics Programming With Scpi CommandsSetting the Input Threshold Level Configuring I/O DirectionInppol Norm Determining the Input Threshold LevelTo set channels 40 through 43 to input digital states Reading Static Digital StateInit SENSDATACVT? @44 Totalize Positive or Negative Edge State ChangesAbout Period Frequency Measurements SENSDATACVT? @45 SENSDATACVT? @45 Agilent E1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCP Agilent E1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCP Sensfuncquad 0,@148,149 Sense Quadrature PositionRPS Sense Rotational Velocity Example of Rotational Velocity SenseOutput Static Digital State Controlling Output PolarityVariable Width Pulse Per Trigger Variable Width Pulse Train PWM Variable Frequency Fixed Width Pulse Train FM Variable Frequency Square-Wave Pulse Train Rotationally Positioned Pulse Output Rotational Pulse Command Usage Algupdate Init RST Sensfuncrvel 12,MISS,@140 Example of variable position, preset widthVariable Position, Width Preset by Time Example of variable width by angle, preset position Fixed Position, Variable Width by Angle Example of variable width by time, preset positionALGSCALAR’ALG1’,’Width2’,.010 Stepping mode values Stepper Motor Control Use the commandSensfuncvolt @100 Full Step Mode, Full and Half Speed, 4-Channel Page RST and *TST important Command Syntax For newer Units only Scpi Command ReferenceCommand Syntax For newer Units only Discussed INPutPOLarity? INPutPOLarityParameters CommentsLevel can be set to a resolution INPutTHResholdLEVelINPutTHResholdLEVel? OUTPutPOLarity OUTPutPOLarity?Send with VXIplug&play Function hpe14XXcmdReal64Q SENSeFREQuencyAPERture Related Commands Sensfreqaper SENSeFREQuencyAPERture?SENSeFREQuencyLIMitLOWer Init Related Commands INPutPOLarity SENSeFREQuencyLIMitLOWer?SENSeFUNCtionCONDition SENSeFUNCtionPERiod SENSeFUNCtionFREQuencySENSeFUNCtionQUADrature SENSeFUNCtionPWIDthSENSeFUNCtionRVELocity RPS SENSeFUNCtionTOTalize SENSePERiodAPERture SENSePERiodLIMitUPPer SENSePERiodAPERture?Init SENSePERiodMODE SENSePERiodLIMitUPPer?Related Commands SENSePERiodMODE SENSePERiodMODE?SENSePERiodNPERiods SENSePERiodNPERiods? SENSePERiodRANGeUPPerSend with VXIplug&play Function hpe14XXcmdInt32Q SENSeTOTalizeRESetMODE SENSePERiodRANGeUPPer?RST Condition is Send with VXIplug&play Function hpe14XXcmd SOURceFMSTATe SENSeTOTalizeRESetMODE?Send with VXIplug&play Function hpe14XXcmdInt16Q SOURceFMSTATe?SOURceFUNCtionRPULse SOURceFUNCtionSHAPePULSe SOURceFUNCtionSHAPeCONDitionSOURceFUNCtionSHAPeSQUare SOURceFUNCtionSTEPperComments Send with VXIplug&play Function hpe14XXcmd Relationship of minvel, and maxvel Usage See Stepper Motor Control on SOURcePULMSTATeSOURcePULSePERiod SOURcePULMSTATe?SOURcePULSeWIDTh SOURcePULSePERiod?SOURcePULSeWIDTh? SOURceRPULsePOSitionANGLe33,554,430 to 33,554,430 SOURceRPULsePOSitionANGLe? SOURRPULseVARTypeUsage SOURceRPULseWIDThANGLe SOURRPULseVARType?SOURceRPULseWIDThANGLe? SOURceRPULseWIDThTIME00000787 to SOURceRPULseWIDThTIME? General Specifications SpecificationsFrequency Measurement Pulse Width Measure Rotational Pulse Source