260 degrees
SOURce:RPULse:WIDTh[:ANGLe]? (@<channel>) returns the width of the rotational output pulse currently set for <channel>.
| Parameter | Parameter | Range of | Default |
| Name | Type | Values | Units |
| channel | string | 100 - 163 | none |
Comments • <channel> must specify a single channel only.
Usage SOUR:RPULSE:WIDT:ANGL? (@147) | return pulse width for channel 47 |
SOURce:RPULse:WIDTh:TIME <seconds>,(@<ch_list>) sets the width of the rotational output pulse before the INIT command that starts algorithm execution. With the pulse width thus fixed, the pulse position (in angle or time depending on how SOUR:RPUL:VARType is set) will be controlled by the algorithm.
| Parameter | Parameter | Range of | Default |
| Name | Type | Values | Units |
| seconds | numeric (int32) | .00000787 to .015624 | seconds |
| ch_list | string | 100 - 163 | none |
Comments • Channels in <ch_list> must be referenced in a SOUR:FUNC:RPUL command before the next INIT command. Related error messages: 3113, "Channel specified is not in same SCP as reference channel."
3114, "First channel in SCP can not be used in RPULse output channel list."
•<seconds> specifies pulse width in seconds, with a resolution of 238.4nS
•.Since the pulse width is specified in seconds, changes in rotational velocity will not change the time proportion of the pulse. Of course, changes in rotational velocity do effect the angular proportion of the pulse.
Usage SOUR:RPULSE:WIDT:TIME .0040,(@147) preset channel 47 pulse width to 4 mSec