Select a convenient location where:
!The cool air can reach every corner of the area to be cooled.
!The unit is away from any direct heat source
!Easy and short routing of the refrigerant and drain pipes to the exterior.
!There are no flammable gas, alkaline or acid present in the air.
!Air circulation is not obstructed, preventing good air circulation.
!The structure where the unit is installed should be strong enough to support the weight of the unit and also prevent any vibration during operation of the unit.
!Figure on the right shows the spacing to the nearest wall.
!The condensing unit should be located as close as possible to the fan coil.
!The air inlet shall be located at least 4” from the wall or other obstruction for unrestricted airflow.
!The air outlet shall be located so as to direct discharged warm air away from the building. (Avoid low overhanging roofs to avoid
!Mount the unit on a sturdy base.