Gemini EX-26 manual Trodu CT IO N, Features, Cautio NS, CO Nnectio NS

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C ongratulations on purchasing the G em ini E X -26 m ixer! This state of the art m ixer is backed by a three -year

w arranty, excluding crossfader and cha nne l slides . W e know you ’re a nxious to h ook everything up and start m ixing beats and cranking up the volum e on those ho t da nce tracks, but w e suggest reading this instruction m an ua l first as there are really cool features on this m ixer that w e

w ouldn ’t w a nt you to m iss!

The E X -26 M ixer features a crossfader w hich contro ls a super-quiet photo coupler to give you sm ooth operation and the cleanest possib le sound, along w ith a "ham ster" sw itch that is easily accessible o n the front of the m ixer. This “ham ster” sw itch reverses the direction of the m ain crossfader. This m ixer a lso features individua l “h am ste r” sw itches for the se parate channel input faders as w ell.

For additiona l inform ation , refer to the diagram s on pages 1 & 2 for crossfader adjustm ent and channel slide curve .


In the U .S.A ., if you have any problem s w ith this unit, call 1-732-738969--90039000 for custom er service.

Do not return equipm ent to your dealer.

4. D o not expose this u nit to direct sunlig ht or to a heat source such as a radiator or stove .

5. This unit should be clea ned only w ith a dam p cloth . Avoid solvents or other cleaning d etergents .

6. W hen m oving this equ ipm ent, it sh ould b e p laced in its original carton and packaging. This w ill reduce the risk of dam a ge during transit.

7. D o not expose this unit to rain or m oisture .

8. D o not use any spray cleaner or lubricant on any controls or sw itches.

• 2 S tereo C ha nnels

• Sta te o f th e Art C ue S ection

• 2 P hon o & 2 Line Inputs

• C ha nne l Slide C urve C o ntrol

• C rossfader w ith C urve C ontrol

• Ad justable Input Assign S w itches

• C rossfader R everse (H am ster) Button

• Individ ual C hannel Fa der R everse (H am ster) Buttons

• LED D isp lay

• G ain, H igh, M id and L ow tone controls for each ch an nel

• Ba lanced and U nbalanced M aster O utputs

• R ecord outputs


1. A ll operating instructions should b e read before using this equipm ent.

2. Treat th is un it as you w ould any other piece of electrical equipm ent and use good com m on sense !

3. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, do not open the unit. There are N O U S ER R EP LAC E AB LE P AR TS IN SID E . Ple ase refer servicing to a qualified service tech nician.

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O kay, let’s hook everythin g up!

1. M ake sure th at the PO W ER (1) sw itch is in the “O FF” position . This unit com es supplied w ith a 15 volt AC adaptor. Plug the adaptor into the rear panel pow er jack. Then plu g th e a daptor into your pow er strip or outlet.

2. The E X -26 m ixer is supplied w ith 3 sets of output ja cks.

The B A LA N C ED M A STER O U TPU T (2) jacks are use d to connect to your m ain am plifier using standard cables w ith 1/4” conn ectors . W e recom m end using the balanced am p outputs if the cables to your am p are 25 feet or m ore .

BA LAN C ED M A STE R O U T PU TS have three separate conductors, tw o of w hich are signal (positive and negative) and one shield (ground). T he b ala nced line uses a tip -ring - sleeve connection. T ip = hot or positive (+), rin g = cold or negative (-), a nd sleeve = shield/ground .

The M A STER O U TPUT (3) jacks are unba lance d a nd are also used to connect to yo ur m ain am plifier. T he R E C

O U TPU T (4) jacks can be used to connect the m ixer to the record in put of your recorder enabling you to record your m ix.

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Contents EX-26 EX-26 Back & Front Panels Features Trodu CT IO NCautio NS CO Nnectio NSE R a T IO N Specifications InputsOutputs GeneralEinführung BesonderheitenHinweise ZUR Sicherheit AnschlüsseBedienung Technische Daten EingängeAusgänge AllgemeinesIntroducción CaracterísticasAdvertencias ConexionesChannel Slide Curve Switches FuncionamientoInterruptores DE Curva DE LOS Canales Crossfader Section Seccion DELEspecificaciones Técnicas EntradasSalidas GeneralidadesCaractéristiques IntroductionPrécautions Power Puissance FonctionnementSpécifications Techniques EntréesSorties GénéralitésIntroduzione CaratteristichePrecauzioni CollegamentiFunzionamento Uscite Specifiche Tecniche IngressiInformazioni Generali Do not attempt to return this equipment to your dealer