C ongratulations on purchasing the G em ini E X
w arranty, excluding crossfader and cha nne l slides . W e know you ’re a nxious to h ook everything up and start m ixing beats and cranking up the volum e on those ho t da nce tracks, but w e suggest reading this instruction m an ua l first as there are really cool features on this m ixer that w e
w ouldn ’t w a nt you to m iss!
The E X
For additiona l inform ation , refer to the diagram s on pages 1 & 2 for crossfader adjustm ent and channel slide curve .
In the U .S.A ., if you have any problem s w ith this unit, call
Do not return equipm ent to your dealer.
4. D o not expose this u nit to direct sunlig ht or to a heat source such as a radiator or stove .
5. This unit should be clea ned only w ith a dam p cloth . Avoid solvents or other cleaning d etergents .
6. W hen m oving this equ ipm ent, it sh ould b e p laced in its original carton and packaging. This w ill reduce the risk of dam a ge during transit.
7. D o not expose this unit to rain or m oisture .
8. D o not use any spray cleaner or lubricant on any controls or sw itches.
• 2 S tereo C ha nnels
• Sta te o f th e Art C ue S ection
• 2 P hon o & 2 Line Inputs
• C ha nne l Slide C urve C o ntrol
• C rossfader w ith C urve C ontrol
• Ad justable Input Assign S w itches
• C rossfader R everse (H am ster) Button
• Individ ual C hannel Fa der R everse (H am ster) Buttons
• LED D isp lay
• G ain, H igh, M id and L ow tone controls for each ch an nel
• Ba lanced and U nbalanced M aster O utputs
• R ecord outputs
1. A ll operating instructions should b e read before using this equipm ent.
2. Treat th is un it as you w ould any other piece of electrical equipm ent and use good com m on sense !
3. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, do not open the unit. There are N O U S ER R EP LAC E AB LE P AR TS IN SID E . Ple ase refer servicing to a qualified service tech nician.
Page 4
O kay, let’s hook everythin g up!
1. M ake sure th at the PO W ER (1) sw itch is in the “O FF” position . This unit com es supplied w ith a 15 volt AC adaptor. Plug the adaptor into the rear panel pow er jack. Then plu g th e a daptor into your pow er strip or outlet.
2. The E X -26 m ixer is supplied w ith 3 sets of output ja cks.
The B A LA N C ED M A STER O U TPU T (2) jacks are use d to connect to your m ain am plifier using standard cables w ith 1/4” conn ectors . W e recom m end using the balanced am p outputs if the cables to your am p are 25 feet or m ore .
BA LAN C ED M A STE R O U T PU TS have three separate conductors, tw o of w hich are signal (positive and negative) and one shield (ground). T he b ala nced line uses a tip
The M A STER O U TPUT (3) jacks are unba lance d a nd are also used to connect to yo ur m ain am plifier. T he R E C
O U TPU T (4) jacks can be used to connect the m ixer to the record in put of your recorder enabling you to record your m ix.